javascript Programming Glossary: heavily
Highlight a word with jQuery do selectors on the text itself. I'm already using jQuery heavily on this site so keeping everything wrapped up in jQuery would..
How does AJAX work? and Google Maps 2005 . Actually both sites contributed heavily to the promotion of AJAX. A picture being worth a thousand words..
What does it mean that Javascript is a prototype based language? a fairly simple model of code reuse and that code can be heavily reused in direct ways . But classical languages are certainly..
a simple question on jquery closure executed passing an argument. That pattern is heavily used by jQuery plugins since jQuery can run in noConflict mode..
Close iframe cross domain and independently controlled are different. I dug into the heavily minified obfuscated Polyvore code to see how it works incidentally..
jQuery vs. javascript? [closed] this question. Also I'm really interested in Does jQuery heavily rely on browser sniffing Could that be a potential problem in..
How good is jQuery's backward-compatibility? being backward compatible. We are starting to use it quite heavily and are thinking about upgrading to a newer version to start..
Loop through array in JavaScript particularly a problem if you use some library that relies heavily on native prototypes augmention such as MooTools for example..
Javascript troubleshooting tools in IE tools in IE I use Firebug and the Mozilla JS console heavily but every now and then I run into an IE only Javascript bug..
What is the safest way of passing arguments from server-side PHP to client-size JavaScript PHP to client size JavaScript In my application I rely heavily on JavaScript to enhance the user interface but all of the data..
Design Patterns used in the jQuery library are many other examples of the Decorator pattern being heavily used in jQuery. What other examples big or small of design patterns..
Help! I've learned jQuery… now I want to learn JavaScript [closed] is. jQuery has allowed me to rely on its framework so heavily that I rarely use any interesting functions techniques or whatever..
Choosing Mobile Web HTML5 Framework [closed] interactions I would strongly recommend Sencha Touch it is heavily documented with a strong professional team providing support...
Enabling back/fwd key events for an Ajax Application for an Ajax Application I have an application which works heavily on AJAX. However I want to have navigation functionalities in..
Why is string concatenation faster than array join? It's fast because the StringBuilderConcat function is some heavily optimized C code. It's too long to quote here but search in..
C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed] JS engine is still very fast due to being JIT compiled and heavily optimized. You can consume C and .NET WinRT components but not.. operations async and await keywords which are used heavily when using WinRT APIs due to their highly asynchronous design...
Detecting that the browser has no mouse and is touch-only finger hides the screen when you click and mouse relies heavily on hover preview . How can I detect that my user has no mouse..
How can I detect keyboard events in Gmail Google's source code hmm Using DOM mutation events which heavily reduces performance . Recursively add a poller to each window..
How persistent is localStorage? persistent is localStorage I'm depending heavily on localStorage for a plugin I'm writing. All the user settings..