javascript Programming Glossary: has
How do JavaScript closures work? keyword within another function the inner function has access to variables in the outer function. function foo x var..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON XML YAML CSV and others. To work with such data it first has to be converted to JavaScript data types i.e. arrays and objects.. it is an inherited property. You can do this with Object#hasOwnProperty MDN . What if the depth of the data structure is.. the data structure i.e. how many nested objects array it has might be unknown as well. How to access deeply nested properties..
Href attribute for JavaScript links: “#” or “javascript:void(0)”? &ldquo javascript void 0 &rdquo When building a link that has the sole purpose to run JavaScript code there are 2 ways to..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? is interpreted and the Javascript is executed. Once PHP has finished outputting the response the script ends and nothing..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? to load the HTTP version on a page with protocol http It has the unfortunate side effect of attempting and failing to load..
Javascript infamous Loop problem? After the loop terminates the function level variable i has the value 5 and that's what the inner function 'sees'. In the..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? This is because jQuery was designed for augmentation and has grown incredibly from that simple premise. But in AngularJS.. Hello a ' scope location.path ' not matching' expect elm.hasClass 'active' .toBeFalsey location.path ' hello' expect elm.hasClass.. 'active' .toBeFalsey location.path ' hello' expect elm.hasClass 'active' .toBeTruthy We run our test and confirm that it..
Prototypical inheritance - writing up [duplicate] inheritance writing up duplicate This question already has an answer here Javascript object members that are prototyped..
How can I obfuscate JavaScript? than they need. Sidenote Obfuscation in Javascript has been known to cause some bugs.. The obfuscators are getting..
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript the replace to repeat as required in case the class name has been added multiple times. To check if a class is already applied.. the contents of that function are executed after the HTML has finished loading without this the MyElement might not exist.. '#MyElement' .removeClass 'MyClass' if '#MyElement' .hasClass 'MyClass' In addition jQuery provides a shortcut for adding..
Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons? Crockford's excellent JavaScript The Good Parts JavaScript has two sets of equality operators and and their evil twins and..
Abort Ajax requests using jQuery the current HTTP request. abort MDC . If the request has been sent already this method will abort the request. var xhr..
.prop() vs .attr() vs .attr So jQuery 1.6 has the new function prop . selector .click function instead of.. in the world to do with the checked Boolean property which has existed and worked flawlessly in every major scriptable browser..
Javascript closure inside loops - simple practical example practical example Closures are one of those things which has been discussed a lot on SO but this situation pops up a lot..
Why is document.write considered a “bad practice”? but it's at best situational DW executed after the page has finished loading will overwrite the page or write a new page.. conceptually and is an easy way to create bugs .innerHTML has the same problem Far better to use the safe and DOM friendly..
Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript seems to be a parameter should this go into the config Has anyone tried this in JS for Drive or other Google APIs Does..
Execute Javascript When Page Has Fully Loaded Javascript When Page Has Fully Loaded I need to execute some javascript when the page..
jqGrid does not render correctly in Chrome/Chrome Frame it might have been a rule I put in place...with no luck. Has anyone else experienced this and or found a solution to this..
How to show the “Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?” when changes committed? you want to navigate away from this page blee blah bloo... Has anyone implemented this before how do I track that changes were..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? impressively they got too happy with the cache settings. Has anyone else seen this behavior on iOS 6 If so what exactly is..
Javascript Date() constructor doesn't work mm dd constructor uses an index of 0 to represent January. Has anyone dealt with this There must be a better way than subtracting..
jQuery compiled with Google Closure Compiler compiled with Google Closure Compiler Has anyone compiled jQuery against Google's newly released Closure..
Implementing Mozilla's toSource() method in Internet Explorer Mozilla's toSource method in Internet Explorer Has anyone implemented Mozilla's Object.toSource method for Internet..
JavaScript: Overriding alert() Overriding alert Has anyone got any experience with overriding the alert function..
XML <-> JSON conversion in Javascript however the conversions they use aren't 100 consistent. Has anyone encountered this situation before javascript jquery..
CKEditor instance already exists seems to occur on the destroy rather than the replace . Has anyone experienced this and found a different solution Is is..
What does the leading semicolon in JavaScript libraries do? last statement ends here at the latest kind of speed bump. Has it got any other functionality javascript syntax semicolon..
Executing <script> elements inserted with .innerHTML parts got eval 'd before being injected into the DOM. Has anyone got a snippet of code that executes all the script elements..
How do I get the current location of an iframe? that this is not going to happen due to security issues. Has anyone done anything on the server side or know of any .Net..
VIM + JSLint? JSLint or something similar into vim to improve my coding. Has anyone managed to do something like this Edit tried this Javascript..
Paste an image from clipboard using JavaScript editor using javascript ctrl c and ctrl v or a snapshot . Has anyone used Ajax's rich text editor Does pasting an image from..
Chrome: timeouts/interval suspended in background tabs? for setInterval will write a test if time is with me . Has anyone encountered this Would there be there a workaround for..
Debug message “Resource interpreted as other but transferred with MIME type application/javascript” so it is gzip encoded but so is the other file. Has anybody got any ideas what's causing this or how to resolve..
jQuery/JS, iOS 4 and $(document).height() problems me think this is actually some sort of webkit problem. Has anyone ran into this and know of a way around this issue To..
Track campaigns with Google Analytics without query string parameters? 'pseudo code' for what I'd ideally like to be able to do. Has anyone successfully managed to do anything like this javascript..