javascript Programming Glossary: hashes
Keeping history of hash/anchor changes in JavaScript totally mess up the history. So rule of thumb is to avoid hashes with the same id as any elements on the page. If the hashes.. with the same id as any elements on the page. If the hashes are generated dynamically and may collide with ids consider..
How to find keys of a hash? keys of a hash I know in javascript Objects double as hashes but i have been unable to find a built in function to get the..
How to keep the browser history in sync when using Ajax? process and adding ajax to the mix jQuery History using hashes to manage your pages state and bind to changes to update your..
JavaScript Hashmap Equivalent already unique or as complex as using some cryptographic hashes like in DojoX Encoding or DojoX UUID . share improve this answer..
jquery get querystring from URL [duplicate] associative array. function getUrlVars var vars hash var hashes window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' '.. ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash.. ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars..
How does variable assignment work in JavaScript? primitives such as strings and integers differently to hashes. Hashes return a pointer while core primitives return a copy..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact and set plugin global defaults . In this plugin setup all hashes past into methods as objects are merged with the defaults so..
Extract keyword from Google search in Javascript jquery.html function getUrlVars href var vars hash var hashes href.slice href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length.. href.slice href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash.. ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? you can modify the URL directly without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the..
Backbone.js vs Spine.js [closed] which are uses for detecting controlling document URL hashes. I say HTML only because both can be used outside of the web..
Emulate/polyfill history.pushstate() in IE you can modify the URL directly without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the..
Is there a JSON equivalent of XQuery/XPath? XPath When searching for items in complex JSON arrays and hashes like id 1 name One objects id 1 name Response 1 objects etc...
Best way to populate select list with JQuery / Json? the select list. May be an array of strings or an array of hashes associative arrays . @param String valueKey If values is an.. arrays . @param String valueKey If values is an array of hashes this is the hashkey to the value parameter for the option element.. element @param String textKey If values is an array of hashes this is the hashkey to the text parameter for the option element..