javascript Programming Glossary: happy
Should you do validation on the server side? to just do the validation on the client side @TheTXI I am happy your amazed I just did not want to leave anything out that could..
Set cursor position on contentEditable <div> has any thoughts working code snippets or samples I'd be happy to see them. I don't really have any code yet but here is what..
How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery is the way of being able to catch right mouse click I'd be happy if something like below exists 'div' .bind 'rightclick' function..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? haste to make iOS 6 zip along impressively they got too happy with the cache settings. Has anyone else seen this behavior..
What browsers support HTML5 WebSocket API? [closed]
Javascript: Do I need to put this.var for every variable in an object? 0 So we did only use properties of that object and are happy with it. But all of them are public and can be overwritten changed..
jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element with jQuery But It never runs the binded function. I'd be happy if you can point out why this example is not working and how..
Why does everyone like jQuery more than prototype/ or MooTools or whatever? [closed] is it just that they have evangelists I have been really happy with using Prototype myself. Should I use jQuery for my next..
What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules? response as an attached file. In this case I think IE is happy because the content was apparently directly requested by the..
What are some good ways to prevent people from copying my source code? practical way to do this or do I basically just have to be happy my php code does not show I want to at least make it difficult..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? of inheritance. Having experience in Ruby I was really happy to see closures and dynamic typing but for the life of me can't..
HTML 5 Audio Looping 6.0.466.0 dev and Firefox 4 beta 1 both of which seem happy to ignore my requests for looping. Any ideas javascript html5..
Problem with date formats in JavaScript with different browsers and Firefox new Date '2001 01 01T12 00 00Z' Firefox is happy with that but Chrome and IE return Invalid Date. I thought I'd.. follows new Date '2001 01 01 12 00 00' This time Chrome is happy with that but Firefox and IE return Invalid Date. Any ideas..
Understanding what goes on with textarea selection with JavaScript here . In addition to incompatible interfaces you'll be happy to know that there is extra bizarreness going on with textarea..
Should I use JSLint or JSHint JavaScript validation? it's perfectly okay to look at the code and decide you're happy with it there are times when things that JSlint doesn't like..
Most elegant way to clone a JavaScript object proof general solution to this problem though I would be happy to be wrong When I had to implement general deep copying I ended..
Browser-independent way to detect when image has been loaded status I add it to the DOM so the user sees it. I'd be happy with a native JavaScript solution or a pointer to a library..
Javascript multiple replace and noticed that my previous answer is not one I'm happy with. Since the question involved replaceing a single word it's..
Concatenate and minify JavaScript on the fly OR at build time - ASP.NET MVC runat server body Used in a page like this which I'm happy with asp Content ID signUpContent ContentPlaceHolderID AdditionalJS..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP)
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android
javascript multidimensional array?
Highlight text as you type on textarea when it comes to wrapping text but you get the idea. Happy Highlighting Credit The preg_quote function is from Kevin van..
Tips for Upgrading Gmaps v2 to v3 more quickly [closed] objects '#id' 0 or '#id' .get 0 or document.getElementbyId Happy coding. javascript google maps share improve this question..
Is var self = this; a bad pattern?
Taking screenshot using javascript for chrome extensions
jQuery ajax, wait until beforeSend animation finishes . New jsFiddle http pgjHx In the comments Happy has asked how to handle multiple animations. One way would be..
convert '1' to '0001' in JavaScript [duplicate]
Variable shadowing in JavaScript
broken toFixed implementation
what's the equivalent of jquery's 'trigger' method without jquery?
Javascript self executing function “is not a function” alert f and f function return function return Yay alert f Happy coding Here is a function which will execute something once..
JavaScript multidimensional array
Do the && and || operators convert their operands to booleans? b Note that either the evaluation of a or b is returned. Happy coding. For completeness from section 9.2 The abstract operation..
JavaScript/JSON Google Trends API
How can I send data to Chrome extension? your email a href http ting authHandler a Happy Bookmarking If the user clicks the link in the email AuthReceive..
Ways to save Backbone.js model data? leaps and see your fluency in this framework growing. Happy coding EDIT Resources that may be useful Other Similar Answers..