javascript Programming Glossary: hash
Change the URL in the browser without loading the new page using JavaScript state in the URL. javascript url fragment identifier hashchange share improve this question If you want it to work.. page reload. The basic idea is to set the window.location.hash property to a value that contains whatever state information.. state information you need then either use the window.onhashchange event or for older browsers that don't support onhashchange..
JSON: why are forward slashes escaped? for this escapes me. JSON escapes the forward slash so a hash a a b c is serialized as a a b c instead of a a b c . Why javascript..
Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL I have it set up to allow bookmarking by detecting the hash in the URL. general functions function getUrl u return u '.html'.. u function r '#main' .html r allows bookmarking var hash new String document.location .indexOf # if hash 0 page new String.. var hash new String document.location .indexOf # if hash 0 page new String document.location .substring hash 1 if page.length..
How do you determine equality for two JavaScript objects? any way to tell if two objects are equal much like the hash code value in Java This is similar to this question but requires.. questions 194846 is there any kind of hashcode function in javascript The scenario above demonstrates why.. wondering if there is any equivalent solution. javascript hashcode share improve this question The short answer The simple..
How can you check for a #hash in a URL using JavaScript? can you check for a #hash in a URL using JavaScript I have some jQuery JavaScript code.. JavaScript code that I want to run only when there is a hash # anchor link in a URL. How can you check for this character.. share improve this question Simple if window.location.hash Fragment exists else Fragment doesn't exist share improve..
Updating address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the page address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the page I either dreamt about chrome dev channel.. this in Chrome p.s. I'm not talking about window.location.hash et al. If the above exists the answer to this question will..
JavaScript Hashmap Equivalent As made clear in update 3 on this answer this notation var hash hash X does not actually hash the object X it actually just.. clear in update 3 on this answer this notation var hash hash X does not actually hash the object X it actually just converts.. answer this notation var hash hash X does not actually hash the object X it actually just converts X to a string via .toString..
Good tutorial for using HTML5 History API (Pushstate?) HTML5 browsers work as expected and optionally provides a hash fallback for HTML4 browsers including maintained support for..
On - window.location.hash - change? window.location.hash change I am using Ajax and hash for navigation. Is there a.. window.location.hash change I am using Ajax and hash for navigation. Is there a way to check if the window.location.hash.. navigation. Is there a way to check if the window.location.hash changed like this http blah #123 to http
Modify the URL without reloading the page the page I would like to access the portion before the # hash if possible. I only need to change the portion after the domain.. for more info Updating address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the page Example function processAjaxData response..
SHA-256 hashes different between C# and Javascript side. UPDATE So just to make sure I wasn't crazy I ran the Hash method I'm using for the CC numbers in the immediate window..
Keeping history of hash/anchor changes in JavaScript are the results of my research. First of all my finished Hash library . It's a stand alone library with no dependencies. It.. alone library with no dependencies. It has two functions Hash.init callback iframe and Hash.go newHash . The callback function.. It has two functions Hash.init callback iframe and Hash.go newHash . The callback function is called whenever the hash..
Ember.js draggable and droppable jqueryUI / native Drag and drop mixin this.addObserver key observer Insert the observer in a Hash so we can remove it later. this._observers this._observers this._observers..
Hash URL navigation with a Flexslider URL navigation with a Flexslider I'm building a website that..
Have Grunt generate index.html for different setups my Gruntfile.js . ENV setup env options Shared Options Hash globalOption 'foo' dev NODE_ENV 'DEVELOPMENT' prod NODE_ENV..
Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL Back Button Hash Change in URL I just set up my new homepage at http
In javascript how can we identify whether an object is a Hash or an Array? javascript how can we identify whether an object is a Hash or an Array The output of my JSON call can either be an Array.. The output of my JSON call can either be an Array or a Hash. How do I distinguish between these two javascript share..
Javascript Iterator Class return Iterator Iterator var element log.debug ' Hash demo' var o foo 1 bar 2 baz 3 bork 4 hepp a 1 b 2 c 3 bluff..
Haxe for javascript without global namespace pollution? a closure. For example... if typeof js 'undefined' js ... Hash function p if p _ return ... EReg function r opt if r _ return..
What blocks Ruby, Python to get Javascript V8 speed? For example for certain operations Rubinius's Hash class is faster than YARV's. Now this doesn't sound terribly.. sound terribly exciting until you realize that Rubinius's Hash class is implemented in 100 pure Ruby while YARV's is implemented..
Iterating over every property of an object in javascript using Prototype? have to first convert your object literal to a Prototype Hash Store your object literal var obj foo 1 bar 2 barobj 75 true.. like so. The H construct creates a prototype extended Hash. H obj .each function pair alert pair.key alert pair.value ..
Generate a Hash from string in Javascript/jQuery a Hash from string in Javascript jQuery I need to convert strings..
Convert flat array [k1,v1,k2,v2] to object {k1:v1,k2:v2} in JavaScript? indexed members as corresponding values analgous to ruby's Hash array For example if I have this 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' Then..
Is the recommendation to include CSS before JavaScript invalid? @http_query_string.split .map s s.split .flatten parsed Hash array delay parsed delay .to_i 1000.0 jsdelay parsed jsdelay..
external html template for underscore.js and backbone.js before your js files for model collection and views. tpl Hash of preloaded templates for the app templates Recursively pre..
Doing links like Twitter, Hash-Bang #! URL's [duplicate] links like Twitter Hash Bang # URL's duplicate Possible Duplicate What ™s the shebang..