javascript Programming Glossary: fbml
Facebook: Unsafe JavaScript issue (document.domain values should be same) 1999 xhtml xmlns fb https 2008 fbml Code for .htaccess IfModule mod_headers.c Header set Access.. issue FB.init appId '1234567890' status true cookie true xfbml true channelUrl ' channel.html' The channel.html..
Facebook connect displaying invite friends dialog and closing on completion with connected account updateAccountFacebookUID var fbml fb_getInviteFBML var dialog new FB.UI. FBMLPopupDialog Weblings.. var dialog new FB.UI. FBMLPopupDialog Weblings Invite fbml dialog.setFBMLContent fbml dialog.setContentWidth 650 dialog.setContentHeight.. Weblings Invite fbml dialog.setFBMLContent fbml dialog.setContentWidth 650 dialog.setContentHeight 450
Showing popup in the new Facebook JavaScript SDK var dialog new FB.UI.FBMLPopupDialog 'XXXXXXX' '' var fbml 'Multi Friend Selector FBML' dialog.setFBMLContent fbml dialog.setContentWidth.. fbml 'Multi Friend Selector FBML' dialog.setFBMLContent fbml dialog.setContentWidth 620 dialog.setContentHeight 570 How can I do it with the new SDK javascript facebook fbml fbconnect share improve this question Yes finally got the..
How to get FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', … to work? DOCTYPE html html xmlns fb http 2008 fbml head head body a href # onClick postToFacebook Post to Facebook.. enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML function var e document.createElement 'script'..
How to close a facebook SDK dialog opened with FB.ui()? changes. Any ideas function popupInviteForm actionUrl var fbmlString ' fb fbml ' ' fb request form type POST content Play.. function popupInviteForm actionUrl var fbmlString ' fb fbml ' ' fb request form type POST content Play against me in game.. actiontext Invite friends ' ' fb request form ' ' fb fbml ' FB.ui method 'fbml.dialog' fbml fbmlString display 'dialog'..
Cryptic “Script Error.” reported in Javascript in Chrome and Firefox xml lang en lang en xmlns fb http 2008 fbml ... script type text javascript CDATA for debugging javascript..