javascript Programming Glossary: favour
HTML5 WebSocket vs Long Polling vs AJAX or reduction in quality progression can be sacrificed in favour of response time and at least delivering something. Both sides..
why are namespaces considered bad practice? [closed] the alternatives Rather then having namespaces you should favour multiple file local tokens. Meaning that each file module should..
Browser/HTML Force download of image from src=“data:image/jpeg;base64…” stream' catch e The BlobBuilder API has been deprecated in favour of Blob but older browsers don't know about the Blob constructor..
entry in input one by one should show added result in result field need to do. i will be very thankfull to you for this kind favour. javascript jquery share improve this question HTML table..
Why does everyone like jQuery more than prototype/ or MooTools or whatever? [closed] practically anything I should ever need. Do yourself a favour and definitely use jQuery... and donate some money while you're..
How do I select text nodes with jQuery? replace addBack with andSelf . andSelf is deprecated in favour of addBack from 1.8 onwards. This is somewhat inefficient compared..
IE/Chrome: are DOM tree elements global variables here?
How to start learning Ajax? [closed] way to send structured data but has been falling out of favour of late since JSON is arguably easier to work with. Chunks of..
Javascript e.keyCode doesn't catch Backspace/Del in IE and tab. If you need to detect these keys do yourself a favour and search for their keyCode onkeydown up and ignore both onkeypress..
Is there ever a good reason to pass a string to setTimeout? deprecated setTimeout 'doSomething someVar ' 10000 in favour of this setTimeout function doSomething someVar 10000 My question..
setInterval not working properly on Chrome jquery setinterval share improve this question I'd favour using setTimeout repeatedly over using setInterval so many things..
javascript dom, how to handle “special properties” as versus attributes? the DOM back to HTML for some reason. Reasons to always favour properties dealing with properties is simpler see Boolean properties..
How to stop intense Javascript loop from freezing the browser improve this question I would ditch the each function in favour of a for loop since it is faster. I would also add some waits..
Why should I really move to coffee script? How much time does it really save? [closed] has a bunch of extra penalties so if you're neutral always favour JavaScript. Do you really use it Not my personal style choice..
Detect if device is iOS detection rather than feature detection . Normally I would favour feature detection instead but I need to find out whether a device..
Why does Javascript getYear() return 108? issues now that getYear has been deprecated in favour of getFullYear from quirksmode To make the matter even more..