javascript Programming Glossary: fb
How to list all comments in my domain solution and many have been looking for one Facebook fb comments Graph API How to display recent comments from Facebook.. text from comment where object_id in select comments_fbid from link_stat where url URL1 or url URL2 ' function response..
Facebook: Unsafe JavaScript issue (document.domain values should be same) Firefox although usually Chrome 1.When I hit my approved fb app secure URL on a new incognito Chrome window https on a new incognito Chrome window https myfbappnamespace the below error comes only for the first time and.. 18 2.When I try the http url http myfbappnamespace the error shown in console is Unsafe JavaScript..
Update FB:Like URL Dynamically using JavaScript i've only been able to change the href attribute of the fb like tag i've pasted the code below . but simply changing the.. out how.. function update_share container url update fb like href value var container container 0 document.body var.. 0 document.body var button container.getElementsByTagName 'fb like' button 0 .setAttribute 'href' url any help would be appreciated...
How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete initiated I include this in the top of every page div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId '.. in the top of every page div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo conf 'fb' 'appid'.. window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo conf 'fb' 'appid' ' status true check login status cookie true enable..
How to add a Facebook “Like” button to an AJAX driven page script script src http en_US all.js#xfbml 1 script script language javascript type text javascript document.. CreateNewLikeButton url var elem document.createElement fb like elem.attr href url div#Container .empty .append elem.. ChangeToGoogle href # Change To Google a div id Container fb like href http fb like div..
How does paging in facebook javascript API works? 'yesterday' 'limit' '3' getPosts script head body div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function init the FB JS SDK.. script head body div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function init the FB JS SDK FB.init appId 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'.. 'yesterday' 'limit' '3' getPosts script head body div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function init the FB JS SDK..
Is there a way to detect if the Facebook Javascript SDK loaded successfully? Here's how it's currently added to the page script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' ' status true cookie true.. function FB.init appId ' ' status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response window.location.reload.. en_US all.js' document.getElementById 'fb root' .appendChild e script javascript facebook sdk share..
Cryptic “Script Error.” reported in Javascript in Chrome and Firefox xmlns http 1999 xhtml xml lang en lang en xmlns fb http 2008 fbml ... script type text javascript.. xml lang en lang en xmlns fb http 2008 fbml ... script type text javascript CDATA for debugging javascript..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? only javascript The content of the BODY of the page div id fb root div script src http en_US all.js script.. FB.init appId 'YOUR APP ID' status true cookie true xfbml true script div id container_notlike YOU DONT LIKE div div.. 'page' 'liked' And here is the related Canvas Class from fbgraph ruby library class Canvas class self def parse_signed_request..
How to check IF user has ALREADY liked the facebook page? a like button on my website which is for users to like the fb fan page . If the user clicks like I check to see if the even..
getElementsByTagName() equivalent for textNodes
Update FB:Like URL Dynamically using JavaScript FB Like URL Dynamically using JavaScript i'd like to change the.. using JavaScript i'd like to change the URL to like of an FB Like button dynamically using javascript. right now i've only.. doesn't seems to work. perhaps i have to re initiate the FB Like button but so far i can't figure out how.. function update_share..
“Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL…” error being continuously generated in Chrome webkit inspector
How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete The old JS SDK had a function called FB.ensureInit... FB.init is complete The old JS SDK had a function called FB.ensureInit. The new SDK does not seem to have such function..... page div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo conf 'fb' 'appid' ' status true check..
How to add a Facebook “Like” button to an AJAX driven page if anyone had any insight as to how to implement this FB like button onto AJAX powered pages Cheers in advance EDIT What.. elem.attr href url div#Container .empty .append elem FB.XFBML.parse div#Container .get 0 script head body form id form1.. elem.attr href url div#Container .empty .append elem FB.XFBML.parse div#Container .get 0 script head body form id form1..
Facebook Graph API - upload photo using JavaScript access_token params 'upload file' true function saveImage FB.api ' me photos' 'post' params function response if response.. with the photo file attachment as multipart form data . FB is expecting that the bytes of the image to be uploaded are.. not there. Or to look at it another way where in the FB.api call are you supplying the actual contents of the image..
How does paging in facebook javascript API works? the following code '#loadPosts' .bind 'click' function FB.api ' me home' since 'last week' getPosts getPosts function.. console.log previousPage can i call FB.api previousPage getPosts But I'm getting a URL as previous.. as previous page and I don't know how to make a javascript FB.api call from that URL. Any ideas javascript facebook facebook..
Is there a way to detect if the Facebook Javascript SDK loaded successfully? added to the page script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' ' status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe.. FB.init appId ' ' status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response window.location.reload.. the Javascript Library Asynchronously and put all your FB related functions inside the window.fbAsyncInit method div id..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? and takes into accounts remarks from Chris Jacob and FB Best practices have a look of working example here Hi So as.. src http en_US all.js script script FB.init appId 'YOUR APP ID' status true cookie true xfbml true.. none And finally the javascript document .ready function FB.login function response if response.session var user_id response.session.uid..