javascript Programming Glossary: fallbacks
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android window.PhoneGap window.Cordova window.cordova old to new fallbacks The Java to JavaScript Gateway 'magic' class function Base64ToPNG..
HTML5 Type Detection and Plugin Initialization on a browser level. Start adding date week month and time fallbacks Thanks http detect.html input .each function.. HTML5 input type fixer I have the functionality down adds fallbacks to IE6 IE8 and FF with out adding classes to init off of Are.. for the availability of the week input type and do your fallbacks through this. See a simple demo of this here http
Javascript Text Selection Page Coordinates y y I'm going to add a fuller implementation of this with fallbacks for older browsers to my Rangy library soon. UPDATE I submitted..
Using CSS3 Animations in IE9+ and I am stumped I tried implementing a few JavaScript fallbacks but my knowledge is very limited so they failed. I am unsure..
Good “background-size: cover” fallbacks/shims/tricks for cross-browser compatibility on DIVs? &ldquo background size cover&rdquo fallbacks shims tricks for cross browser compatibility on DIVs So I'm..