javascript Programming Glossary: family
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? display none while files are not loaded. @font face font family FontAwesome src url '.. font fontawesome webfont.eot' src url.. of the Comic Sans string has been calculated the font family is changed to your custom font with a fallback to Comic Sans... var element element var defaults font element.css font family onLoad '' onFail '' testFont 'Comic Sans MS' testString 'QW@HhsXJ'..
Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels label ul li Why don't you type this.. li ul CSS body font family Verdana font size 12px line height 14px textarea div font family.. Verdana font size 12px line height 14px textarea div font family Verdana font size 12px line height 14px width 300px display..
Get computed font-family in JavaScript computed font family in JavaScript This is a followup to this question . I am working.. down menus that always display the currently selected font family size values no matter where they were defined using computedStyle.. order to match the setting against the entries in the font family dropdown is a fixed font name of the actual font of the DOM..
How to embed fonts in HTML? break anything. Snipped from his article @font face font family 'Graublau Web' src url 'GraublauWeb.eot' src local 'Graublau..
When does the browser execute Javascript? How does the execution cursor move? Script Test Page title style type 'text css' body font family sans serif style script type 'text javascript' function addScript..
Get Image dimensions using Javascript during file upload Dimensions Locally title style type 'text css' body font family sans serif style script type 'text javascript' function loadImage..
javascript file upload size validation title Show File Data title style type 'text css' body font family sans serif style script type 'text javascript' function showFileSize..
Add padding at the beginning and end of each line of text 520px h3 margin 0 font size 42px font weight bold font family sans serif h3 .heading background color #000 color #00a3d0 h3..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? text css body width 520px margin 0 padding 0 border 0 font family verdana background url repeat.png repeat margin bottom 10px.. text css body width 520px margin 0 padding 0 border 0 font family verdana background url repeat.png repeat margin bottom 10px.. The CSS body width 520px margin 0 padding 0 border 0 font family verdana background url repeat.png repeat margin bottom 10px..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow notify X a div Here are the styles applied #message font family Arial Helvetica sans serif position fixed top 0px left 0px width..
Call php function from javascript script a href # style display block color #000033 font family Tahoma font size 12px onclick test return false test a span..
How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs? z index 1 font size 100 .error notification h2 font family Trebuchet MS Helvetica sans serif font size 140 font weight..
How can I detect which font was used in a web page? I have the following CSS rule in my HTML. body font family Calibri Trebuchet MS Helvetica sans serif How can I detect which..