javascript Programming Glossary: falsey
What is the consequence of this bit of javascript? run if the left hand side of the statement evaluates to a falsey value. So if jQuery.ui already exists on the page then the function..
falsey values in javascript values in javascript I had an interesting interview question.. question today that stumped me a little. I was asked about falsey values. So undefined NaN null 0 an empty string all evaluate.. share improve this question One dangerous issue of falsey values you have to be aware of is when checking the presence..
(![]+[])[+[]]… Explain why this works false it was truthy false it was truthy 0 true it was falsey NaN true it was falsey After it we have the second operand of.. false it was truthy 0 true it was falsey NaN true it was falsey After it we have the second operand of the addition an empty..
Conflicting boolean values of an empty JavaScript array false is truthy true negation The only values that are falsey are null undefined 0 NaN an empty string false Anything else..
Javascript || or operator with a undefinded variable undefined . It is also true that x will be 10 if v has any falsey value. The falsey values in javascript are 0 null undefined.. also true that x will be 10 if v has any falsey value. The falsey values in javascript are 0 null undefined NaN empty string false.. var v 0 var x v 10 alert x alerts 10 Assign v any of the falsey values that I indicated above and you'll get the same result...
Can someone explain this 'double negative' trick? true otherwise returns true. So if getContext gives you a falsey value the will make it return the boolean value false . Otherwise.. boolean value false . Otherwise it will return true . The falsey values are false NaN undefined null empty string 0 share improve..
Convert NaN to 0 in javascript You can do this a a 0 ...which will convert a from any falsey value to 0 . The falsey values are false null undefined 0 empty.. 0 ...which will convert a from any falsey value to 0 . The falsey values are false null undefined 0 empty string NaN Not a Number..