

javascript Programming Glossary: entered

What does “return false;” do?


.val presents successs text and then fades it out #entered log success .html Your Entry has been entered. #entered log.. it out #entered log success .html Your Entry has been entered. #entered log success .show .fadeOut 3000 prints new log entries.. #entered log success .html Your Entry has been entered. #entered log success .show .fadeOut 3000 prints new log entries on page..

Alert when browser window closed accidentally


null function unloadMessage return 'You have entered new data on this page. ' 'If you navigate away from this page..

ENTER key on a FORM with a single Input Field, will automatically SUBMIT with GET


and press Enter you'll see it reloads the page passing the entered value as if you called GET. why and how do I avoid it http testformenter.html..

JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation


by making sticky forms where the server remembers what was entered in each field and fills it back in but client side validation..

When is JavaScript's eval() not evil?


eval not evil I'm writing some JavaScript to parse user entered functions for spreadsheet like functionality . Having parsed..

Drag-and-drop file upload in Google Chrome/Chromium and Safari?


dragged over it. Such an iframe would look like script var entered 0 script body ondragenter entered document.getElementById 'uploadelement'.. look like script var entered 0 script body ondragenter entered document.getElementById 'uploadelement' .style.display 'block'.. 'uploadelement' .style.display 'block' ondragleave entered if entered document.getElementById 'uploadelement' .style.display..

Is javascript guaranteed to be single-threaded?


that when your inline script event listener or timeout is entered you remain completely in control until you return from the end.. an applet could allow events to fire and script to be re entered. This was always a timing sensitive bug and it's possible Sun..

What is a good regular expression to match a URL?


I enter a URL like www.google.com its not working. when I entered http www.google.com it is working. I am not very fluent in regular..

Getting the closest string match


problem about a year ago when it came to looking up user entered information about a oil rig in a database of miscellaneous information...

Can Javascript read the source of any web page?


results a title I don't want the function to be entered simultaneously by multiple threads neither do I want it to be.. by multiple threads neither do I want it to be entered again when it has not returned yet. Is there any approach to..

How can I supress the browser's authentication dialog?


insufficient information to the user. The user has just entered a username and password via the form on the login page he believes.. will be taken to the next page or perhaps told that he has entered his information incorrectly and should try again. However he..

Converting user input string to regular expression


an attribute in the code and not getting the actual user entered value of the textbox javascript html regex share improve..

How to pass data to url from jqgrid row if hyperlink is clicked


is fileld and add to cart link on other column is clicked entered quanty is not passed to AddToCart controller. Product id from.. box shows that quantityVal is undefined. How to retrieve entered quantity name Addtocrt_addtocrt formatter dynamicLink formatoptions..