

javascript Programming Glossary: endtime

InnerHTML issue in IE8 and below


php echo substr item startTime 0 5 php echo substr item endTime 0 5 td td width 5 php if item bookingInfo '' div id moreInfo..

Call a javascript function at a specific time of day


.getTime var myWin window.open http google.com _blank var endTime new Date .getTime var timeTaken endTime startTime document.write.. _blank var endTime new Date .getTime var timeTaken endTime startTime document.write br button pressed@ br document.write.. document.write br page loaded@ br document.write new Date endTime document.write br time taken br document.write timeTaken myWin.close..

Calculate speed using javascript


var imageAddr images image.jpg n Math.random var startTime endTime var downloadSize 200000 var download new Image download.onload.. 200000 var download new Image download.onload function endTime new Date .getTime showResults startTime new Date .getTime download.src.. imageAddr function showResults var duration Math.round endTime startTime 1000 var bitsLoaded downloadSize 8 var speedBps Math.round..

How to sync a javascript countdown with server time [duplicate]


on page load or queried by ajax in milliseconds var endTime new Date new Date .getTime timeRemaining Put this in a setInterval..

How to detect internet speed in Javascript?


is var imageAddr yourimage.jpg n Math.random var startTime endTime var downloadSize size here... var download new Image download.onload.. here... var download new Image download.onload function endTime new Date .getTime showResults startTime new Date .getTime download.src.. download.src imageAddr function showResults var duration endTime startTime 1000 var bitsLoaded downloadSize 8 var speedBps bitsLoaded..