

javascript Programming Glossary: endianness

Reading bytes from a JavaScript string


add stack contents to result done because chars have wrong endianness re re.concat st.reverse return an array of bytes return re..

How do I swap endian-ness (byte order) of a variable in javascript


uses big endian representation when shifting... endianness is a bit foreign to me I am only 90 percent sure that my outlined.. of using a for loop on a toString return value javascript endianness share improve this question function swap16 val return val..

JavaScript pack integers and calculate arbitrary precision float:


module. This packed value bonus for supporting different endianness than host will be turned into a 64 bit float double . They must..

Javascript Typed Arrays and Endianness


0 I can't find any references to the default endianness of typed arrays in http www.khronos.org registry typedarray.. Firefox 8 and they both behave the same way javascript endianness webgl typed arrays arraybuffer share improve this question.. The current behaviour somewhat sadly is that the endianness is that of the underlying hardware. As almost all desktop computers..