

javascript Programming Glossary: env

Is it possible to achieve dynamic scoping in JavaScript without resorting to eval?


matches quite well to dynamic scopes. Just pass your own environment of dynamically scoped variables to use around instead.. on the new object. return Object.create this Given an environment read x then write to it. function g env console.log.. Given an environment read x then write to it. function g env console.log env.x env.x 2 Given an environment write x then..

How to generate call-graphs for given javascript? [closed]


the following scripts to do this. . call_tree # usr bin env sh function make_tree closure print_tree 1 grep 1 function parse_tree..

Have Grunt generate index.html for different setups


preprocess Grunt task around preprocess npm module. grunt env Grunt task to automate environment configuration for future.. preprocess npm module. grunt env Grunt task to automate environment configuration for future tasks. Below are snippets from.. tasks. Below are snippets from my Gruntfile.js . ENV setup env options Shared Options Hash globalOption 'foo' dev NODE_ENV..

Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results?


Why does the preflight OPTIONS request of an authenticated CORS request work in Chrome but not Firefox?


set Access Control Allow Origin AccessControlAllowOrigin e env AccessControlAllowOrigin Note that the Access Control Allow..

How to push diffs of data (possibly JSON) to a server?


.NET^ needs to run on linux Java's not an option for the env I'm in neither is Mono . Moreover is this even the best way..

Force Download an Image Using Javascript


Disposition attachment filename REQUESTED_IMAGE_BASENAME e env REQUESTED_IMAGE_BASENAME Test Request HEAD test Water 20lilies.jpg..

Get page generated with Javascript in Python


this question You could use Selenium Webdriver # usr bin env python from contextlib import closing from selenium.webdriver..