

javascript Programming Glossary: endtoend

Is there an Internet Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd?


.split n .length 1 if textInputRange.compareEndPoints EndToEnd endRange 1 end len else end textInputRange.moveEnd character..

How to get the start and end points of selection in text area?


.split n .length 1 if textInputRange.compareEndPoints EndToEnd endRange 1 end len else end textInputRange.moveEnd character..

update textarea value, but keep cursor position


.split n .length 1 if textInputRange.compareEndPoints EndToEnd endRange 1 end len else end textInputRange.moveEnd character..

IE's document.selection.createRange doesn't include leading or trailing blank lines


temp.moveToElementText textarea temp.setEndPoint EndToEnd sel selectionEnd temp.text.length selectionStart selectionEnd.. .split n .length 1 if textInputRange.compareEndPoints EndToEnd endRange 1 end len else end textInputRange.moveEnd character..

Get caret position in contentEditable div


tempRange.moveToElementText tempEl tempRange.setEndPoint EndToEnd range caretPos tempRange.text.length return caretPos '#contentbox'..

Is it possible to programmatically detect the caret position within a <input type=text> element?


.split n .length 1 if textInputRange.compareEndPoints EndToEnd endRange 1 end len else end textInputRange.moveEnd character..

Get a range's start and end offset's relative to its parent container


element preCaretTextRange.setEndPoint EndToEnd textRange caretOffset preCaretTextRange.text.length return caretOffset..

how to get selection inside a div using jquery/javascript


selTextRange if selTextRange.compareEndPoints EndToEnd textRange 1 textRange.setEndPoint EndToEnd selTextRange selectedText.. EndToEnd textRange 1 textRange.setEndPoint EndToEnd selTextRange selectedText textRange.text return selectedText..

How to get the selected text in textarea using jQuery in Internet Explorer 7?


.split n .length 1 if textInputRange.compareEndPoints EndToEnd endRange 1 end len else end textInputRange.moveEnd character..

designMode iFrame Get Cursor Position


element preCaretRange.setEndPoint EndToEnd textRange caretOffset preCaretTextRange.text.length return caretOffset..