

javascript Programming Glossary: ents

Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer?


be executed for security reasons . DOM APIs such as getElementsByTagName need to be available. It only needs to work in Internet.. @param String string String to convert var entityEnd d var ents s nbsp #0 32 entityEnd #x0 20 entityEnd #0 40 entityEnd #x0.. tricky filter circumventing methods var charMap var s ents Short hand space Important Must be pre and postfixed by and..

Javascript: REGEX to change all relative Urls to Absolute


to parse JavaScript. This script is served with some comments inside. Regular Expressions are dynamically created because.. xml #NT NameChar . var att ^ a z0 9 ._ var entityEnd d var ents s nbsp #0 32 entityEnd #x0 20 entityEnd #0 40 entityEnd #x0.. Placeholders to filter obfuscations var charMap var s ents Short hand for common use var any ^ ' ^ ' ^' ' ^ ^ Important..