

javascript Programming Glossary: enablejsapi

How can I stop a video with Javascript in Youtube?


name playerid style src http www.youtube.com apiplayerbeta enablejsapi 1 playerapiid normalplayer type application x shockwave flash..

How to add tap event to youtube iFrame


height 240 src http www.youtube.com embed ' youtubeid ' enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 iframe ' listeners tap element 'element' ..

YouTube Player API: How to get duration of a loaded/cued video without playing it?


#cccccc var atts swfobject.embedSWF videoId border 0 amp enablejsapi 1 amp playerapiid 'player' 'player' 425 344 8 null null params..

Youtube embed: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame


from frame with URL http www.youtube.com embed eJY7_De5opI enablejsapi 1 autohide 1 showinfo 1 . Domains protocols and ports must match...

Mysterious calculation error when multiply by 100


Youtube api - stop video


embed 8Ax dAR3ABs rel 0 iv_load_policy 3 showinfo 0 enablejsapi 1 version 3 playerapiid ytplayer type application x shockwave.. movie value http www.youtube.com v 8Ax dAR3ABs version 3 enablejsapi 1 param name allowScriptAccess value always embed id ytplayer.. ytplayer src http www.youtube.com v 8Ax dAR3ABs version 3 enablejsapi 1 type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true allowScriptAccess..

YouTube iframe API: how do I control a iframe player that's already in the HTML?


This method will only work if the player is loaded with enablejsapi 1 origin . @author Rob W gwnRob@gmail.com @website http stackoverflow.com.. function doesn't execute any function A You have to add enablejsapi 1 origin at the end of your URL embed vid_id enablejsapi 1 origin.. enablejsapi 1 origin at the end of your URL embed vid_id enablejsapi 1 origin can be used as is but also a specific origin e.g. http..

Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery


i swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v QTQfGd3G6dg enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytplayer i containerplayer i 425 356 8 null null..

Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery


the iframe embed code http www.youtube.com embed '. i.' enablejsapi 1 I'm trying to make the onStateChange event of any of the four..

How to pause a YouTube player when hiding the iframe?


I have added a function toggleVideo I have added enablejsapi 1 to YouTube's URL to enable the feature Demo http jsfiddle.net.. 500 height 315 src http www.youtube.com embed T39hYJAwR40 enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe br br a href javascript..

YouTube API Target (multiple) existing iframe(s)


ID frame1 SRC http www.youtube.com embed u1zgFlCw8Aw enablejsapi 1 width 640 height 390 frameborder 0 IFRAME div div img class.. ID frame2 SRC http www.youtube.com embed u1zgFlCw8Aw enablejsapi 1 width 640 height 390 frameborder 0 IFRAME div JavaScript code..

YouTube API not working with iPad / iPhone / non-Flash device


type text html src http www.youtube.com embed u1zgFlCw8Aw enablejsapi 1 iframe div div img class 'thumb' src 'http i2.cdnds.net 11.. type text html src http www.youtube.com embed u1zgFlCw8Aw enablejsapi 1 iframe div div CSS #tabs2 div position relative For security..