

javascript Programming Glossary: emulation

Differentiate IE7 browser and browser in IE7 compatibility mode


comments below that Trident is not always present with IE7 emulation mode. Probably the OS string eg. Windows NT 6.2 will still reveal..

Application developers wanting to start web development?


default.asp Free hosting http www.000webhost.com Server emulation Windows http www.wampserver.com Server emulation Mac http www.mamp.info.. Server emulation Windows http www.wampserver.com Server emulation Mac http www.mamp.info Server emulation Linux http lamphowto.com.. Server emulation Mac http www.mamp.info Server emulation Linux http lamphowto.com SQL Tutorial http www.w3schools.com..

Looking for Javascript Typed Arrays emulation library


for Javascript Typed Arrays emulation library I'm searching for a library that allows to emulate..

How to use GM_xmlhttpRequest in Injected Code?


to avoid script injection by providing better Greasemonkey emulation. You can use the @require directive and a more powerful risky..

What is the reason to use the 'new' keyword here?


initialize properly. It certainly has nothing to do with emulation of class based inheritance as known e.g. from Java. The proper..

Is JSON.parse supported by all major browsers? [duplicate]


yes source . Even IE8 has it provided you're not in IE7 emulation mode . If you need to support IE7 and earlier read on. The original..

Unexpected call to method or property access in IE 7


the corporate world can't upgrade. I am using IE8's IE7 emulation mode to test the site and using IE8's wonderful debugger has..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


to stick to proper JavaScript OO rather then classical OO emulation. To achieve this you should use Object.create . which ES5 just..

(Open Source) Examples of JavaScript Prototypical OO


are no classes. There are only Objects. There is zero emulation of the concepts of classes again there is only objects and cloning.. between prototypical OO in JavaScript and classical OO emulation is a very grey area . It's not that I value avoiding classical.. the probably more optimum combination of classical OO emulation and prototypical OO. This is why I ban classes just so that..

Minor drawback with Crockford Prototypical Inheritance


to console the object appears as F. I've seen classical emulation in which you can repoint the constructor is there a similar..

Why is jQuery so widely adopted versus other Javascript frameworks? [closed]


extras Object Oriented Framework with Classic OOP emulation for JS Extended native objects Higher consistency between browsers..