

javascript Programming Glossary: en.wikipedia.org

Convert date to another timezone in javascript


Asia Jakarta The timezone string is described in http en.wikipedia.org wiki Zone.tab Is there an easy way to do this javascript timezone..

Regular expression for URL validation (in JavaScript)


old school URI so we can link to valid addresses like http en.wikipedia.org wiki http 例ã . †ã‚¹ I would go only for simple checks does it..

In JavaScript, how can I replace text in an HTML page without affecting the tags?


text javascript var replace_terms 'keyword' 'url' 'http en.wikipedia.org ' 'target' '_blank' jQuery.each replace_terms function i val.. match var link document.createElement 'a' link.href 'http en.wikipedia.org wiki ' match 0 link.appendChild document.createTextNode match..

Event propagation in Javascript


when one of your event handlers gets tripped. See http en.wikipedia.org wiki DOM_events for a list of events which bubble. Note in the..

Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?


the duplicate thread an obligatory wikipedia link http en.wikipedia.org wiki Comparison_of_JavaScript based_source_code_editors share..

how do web crawlers handle javascript


look at your robots.txt file and make a good sitemap http en.wikipedia.org wiki Robots.txt http en.wikipedia.org wiki Sitemap share improve..

Using window.name as a local data cache in web browsers


read about using window.name as a data cache of sorts http en.wikipedia.org wiki HTTP_cookie#window.name While it certainly has things that..

Query Wikipedia's API using AJAX (XMLHttpRequest)


is my XMLHttpRequest object httpObjectMain.open GET http en.wikipedia.org w api.php action query format xml prop langlinks lllimit 500.. . Your query string'll become something like this http en.wikipedia.org w api.php action query format json callback test prop langlinks..

Why does typeof NaN return 'number'?


but common computer science principle. From http en.wikipedia.org wiki NaN There are three kinds of operation which return NaN..

What do parentheses surrounding a JavaScript object/function/class declaration mean?


outside the function making it truly private. See http en.wikipedia.org wiki Closure_ 28computer_science 29 http peter.michaux.ca articles..

What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate]


firebuglite look for stable bookmarklet http en.wikipedia.org wiki Bookmarklet Opera http www.opera.com dragonfly iOS Works..

Creating a live checkers-like web app with PHP, JS, CSS and HTML?


than those options. Good luck with your project http en.wikipedia.org wiki Comet_ 28programming 29 http www.nodejs.org http zenmachine.wordpress.com..

Is jquery a javascript library or framework?


here its mentioned under framework category http en.wikipedia.org wiki Comparison_of_JavaScript_frameworks javascript jquery..

Best practice: escape, or encodeURI / encodeURIComponent


What does tilde (~) preceding jQuery object do?


Is there any “on DOM change” event? [duplicate]


events I believe not supported in all browsers .. see http en.wikipedia.org wiki DOM_events#Common.2FW3C_events share improve this answer..

1.265 * 10000 = 126499.99999999999?


handle decimals correctly in all cases. Check out http en.wikipedia.org wiki Floating point_number#Accuracy_problems http www.mredkj.com..