javascript Programming Glossary: abstract
HTML5 WebSocket vs Long Polling vs AJAX and is transport agnostic so uses UDP TCP or even more abstract layers. By design it allows to transport data in reliable as..
How to generate call-graphs for given javascript? [closed] and tried it. It works well if you want to get an abstract syntax tree. Closure compiler only seems to offer print_tree..
Is the callback on jQuery's getScript() unreliable or am I doing something wrong? script.remove Do your stuff CAGInit 200 It'd be best to abstract this to a function the above is just an example... share improve..
rails and backbone working together unified method. Working together This might all seem very abstract and beside the point I know. To try to make it more concrete..
What is the major difference between a framework and a toolkit? [closed] and a toolkit closed Does a framework allow you to abstract generic code but not in a complete way Ex Abstract a network..
Why does 2 == [2] in JavaScript? problem 11.9.3 9.1 . If you translate the involved abstract algorithms back to JS what happens when evaluating 2 2 is basically..
Consuming a Web service using Javascript an ActiveX control. Because of this I'd recommend using an abstraction library such as jQuery. If that's not an option then abstract.. library such as jQuery. If that's not an option then abstract the creation into a factory method and check for the browser..
Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework 2 private final Shape shape new SmallSquare public static abstract class Shape public abstract double getArea public static abstract.. new SmallSquare public static abstract class Shape public abstract double getArea public static abstract class Square extends Shape.. class Shape public abstract double getArea public static abstract class Square extends Shape public double getArea return getSideLength..
Should I avoid using a JavaScript library while learning how to write AJAX client code? you are using a library to take care of the drudgery and abstract away browser differences. Once you have a solid understanding..
Designing a fluent Javascript interface to abstract away the asynchronous nature of AJAX a fluent Javascript interface to abstract away the asynchronous nature of AJAX How would I design an..
Overriding check box in JavaScript with jQuery after that it requires two clicks. I thought jQuery is to abstract away browsers Am I going to have to override the entire check..
Architecture of a single-page JavaScript web application? in single page web apps I also found it helpful to abstract away the JS library leaving door open to change mind on what..
Get selected text and selected nodes on a page? msie getSelection .createRange getSelection .getRangeAt 0 abstract getting a parent container from a range function parentContainer..
How can jQuery deferred be used? Bounty Show us what techniques are available when we abstract away whether an operation is synchronously or asynchronously.. task may or may not operate asynchronously and you want to abstract that condition out of the code. Another real world example using..
Problem deploying Rails 3.1 project to Heroku: Could not find a JavaScript runtime I do have nodejs installed. Any idea why Here my gem list abstract 1.0.0 actionmailer 3.1.0.beta1 actionpack 3.1.0.beta1 3.0.7..
backbone.js structuring nested views and models ties together properly I realize this question is somewhat abstract but any appreciate any help or guidelines appreciated. javascript..
How to color an image based on a dynamically changing percentage value? container for the unrevealing background color. Abstract Place an element underneath the image for the faux color fill..
What is the major difference between a framework and a toolkit? [closed] you to abstract generic code but not in a complete way Ex Abstract a network connection but not what you actually do with the data..
AJAX and Client-Server Architecture with JavaScript simply say that this does exactly what you want it to. The Abstract of the spec says it all. This specification defines an API that..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? inheritance you have Classes. Object. Interfaces. Abstract Classes. Final Classes. Virtual Base Classes. Constructors...
Why `null >= 0 && null <= 0` but not `null == 0`? You can see the inner details of this process in the The Abstract Relational Comparison Algorithm . Edit In response to your comment..
Javascript negative number in ยง11.8.1 The Less than Operator which uses ยง11.8.5 The Abstract Relational Comparison Algorithm . The situation is a lot different.. 3 ยง11.8.1 The Less than Operator ECMAScript 3 ยง11.8.5 The Abstract Relational Comparison Algorithm See also regular
Possible to have Abstract class in JS? to have Abstract class in JS I have come across prototype inheritance in javascript...
Javascript inheritance: call super-constructor or use prototype chain? this.getWordsToSay getWordsToSay function Abstract function Dog name Call the parent's constructor
Conflicting boolean values of an empty JavaScript array both sides are converted to Number the steps taken on the Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm would be object boolean object..
undefined and null use when I have a specific purpose for type coercion. See Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm . share improve this answer..
In Javascript, <int-value> == “<int-value>” evaluates to true. Why is it so? but clearly defined in the ecma 262 spec 11.9.3 The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm The comparison x y where x and..
Why is undefined == undefined but NaN != NaN? question Because that's how it is defined in both the Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm and the Strict Equality Comparison.. . If either operand to or is NaN it returns false . Abstract If Type x is Number then If x is NaN return false. If y is NaN..
Why does ('0' ? 'a' : 'b') behave different than ('0' == true ? 'a' : 'b') We can follow this in the specification section 11.9.3 The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm . The operands are denoted as..
Why is 0 == “” true in JavaScript the type Number 0 Number '' which results in 0 0 From the Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm number 4 If Type x is Number and..
JavaScript Date Object Comparison startDate3 true Oh a reference to the spec ยง11.9.3 The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm which basically says when comparing..
What is the order of evaluation for function arguments in Javascript? fixed in EcmaScript 5. From the language spec 11.8.5 The Abstract Relational Comparison Algorithm # The comparison x y where x..