javascript Programming Glossary: abs
How to display all methods in a JavaScript object? like following alert show_all_methods Math should alert abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos exp floor log max min pow random..
Detect “overall average” color of the picture imageFile numColors granularity 5 granularity max 1 abs int granularity colors array size @getimagesize imageFile if..
Which is faster: Math.abs(value) or value * -1 ? is faster Math.abs value or value 1 Pretty straightforward but I just want to.. value is negative. But if that's the case then what is the abs function for Is it simply for making sure that the value returned.. some profiling with these implementations Test 1 b Math.abs a Test 2 b abs a local copy abs Math.abs Test 3 b a 0 a 1 a..
Bresenham algorithm in Javascript in pseudocode like this function line x0 y0 x1 y1 dx abs x1 x0 dy abs y1 y0 if x0 x1 then sx 1 else sx 1 if y0 y1 then.. like this function line x0 y0 x1 y1 dx abs x1 x0 dy abs y1 y0 if x0 x1 then sx 1 else sx 1 if y0 y1 then sy 1 else sy.. Define differences and error check var dx Math.abs x2 x1 var dy Math.abs y2 y1 var sx x1 x2 1 1 var sy y1 y2 1..