javascript Programming Glossary: accessibility
jQuery difference between change and click event of checkbox the W3C the onclick event is triggered by the keyboard for accessibility purposes SCR35 Making actions keyboard accessible by using the..
Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework made in the new compiler or get new features like the accessibility support introduced in GWT 1.5 . debugging it is worth mentioning..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” . Another possibility is input type image . This has the accessibility advantages of the button with full visual control but only for..
Is there a way to simulate key presses or a click with javascript? listening to mousedown rather than click which is bad for accessibility because when a user uses the keyboard only focus and click are..
Disabling browser tooltips on links and <abbr>s because the appearane of the machine readable date was an accessibility issue for those with cognitive disabilities aswell as some screen.. ufdata jQuery Usage .ufsuppress javascript jquery accessibility microformats share improve this question As far as I know..
# or javascript:void(0)? a way to style buttons in a cross browser way with no accessibility hit at all without hacks and quirks. javascript onclick share..
JavaScript and CSS minimizer
Custom Checkbox only for IE through conditional comments though. Note For accessibility you should have some text describing the checkbox in the label..
Accessibility and all these JavaScript frameworks niggling thing that I keep coming back to. That issue is accessibility. As a web developer I've always tried to make my websites and.. always tried to make my websites and applications with accessibility in mind especially using the idea of progressive enhancement... this issue and what are you doing about it. After all the accessibility of a website app isn't really an optional thing as it's part..
“Single-page” JS websites and SEO on that but I have heard of it happening . Both SEO and accessibility not just for disabled person but accessibility via mobile devices.. SEO and accessibility not just for disabled person but accessibility via mobile devices touch screen devices and other non standard.. in option #1 is usually the best way to go but like other accessibility and SEO issues doing this with pushState in a JavaScript heavy..
Do web sites really need to cater for browsers that don't have Javascript enabled? [closed] US Goverment you are required by law to support certain accessibility standards that include working with javascript disabled. share..
ie javascript form submit with file input Workaround Solution Same as above Take advantage of the accessibility features built in to the label tag clicking on a label will..