javascript Programming Glossary: about
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON index as variable var x 5 var value arr x Wait... what about JSON JSON is a textual representation of data just like XML..
event.preventDefault() vs. return false executing a method. With the method you have to remember about correct casing parenthesis etc. Also I have to define the first..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events Pageinit event will be executed every time page is about be be loaded and shown for the first time. It will not trigger.. than with it. Instead of .live you should use .on . .on is about 2 3x faster then .live . Take a look at this event binding benchmark..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? you have to start with what you want to accomplish then go about designing your application and then finally go about designing.. go about designing your application and then finally go about designing your view. 2. Don't augment jQuery with AngularJS.. to thinking like a client side developer. We have to think about how to divide our application into individual extensible testable..
Prototypical inheritance - writing up [duplicate] example function Hamster To answer your question about Example 1 if it doesn't find the property anywhere in the prototype..
How can I obfuscate JavaScript? some bugs.. The obfuscators are getting a little better about it but many outfits decide that they see enough benefit from..
What is JSONP all about? is JSONP all about I understand JSON but not JSONP. Wikipedia's document on JSON.. a special parameter that tells the server a little bit about your page. That way the server is able to nicely wrap up its..
JavaScript Variable Scope variables share improve this question I think about the best I can do is give you a bunch of examples to study...
.prop() vs .attr() behaviour for Boolean attributes . John Resig also blogged about it . I can see the difficulty they were in but still disagree.. meaning jQuery developers will have to learn a bit about the difference between properties and attributes. This is a.. a jQuery developer and are confused by this whole business about properties and attributes you need to take a step back and learn..
How to include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? Script Loading . Now there is a big issue you must know about. Doing that implies that you remotely load the code . Modern.. page hitting F5 . And it works Confusing... So what to do about it Well you can use the hack the author suggests in the link..
Create “Hello Wold” WebSocket example ws localhost 8080 service ws.onopen function alert About to send data ws.send Hello World I WANT TO SEND THIS MESSAGE.. alert Message sent ws.onmessage function evt alert About to receive data var received_msg alert Message received..
Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers? to see if anyone had written some sort of equivalent. About the only thing I've found has been a jQuery plugin http
Why is it a bad practice to return generated HTML instead of JSON? Or is it? or some JSON won't probably make that much of a difference About the size of the stuff that goes through the network well you..
Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript? domain. Check a working proof of concept here . Edit 3 1. About the Content Length I think that a size mismatch could happen..
Google SEO and hidden elements none in css Example div id under_meny style display none About Us Contact Us div It looks maybe a bit strange that I want to..
how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE? EPUB files in Javascript. Very reasonable performance. About half a second for a 500kb file. share improve this answer..
Programatic Accent Reduction in JavaScript (aka text normalization or unaccenting) could I avoid using weird possibly slow RegEx statements About the bounty Before I started a bounty there were two answers..
When does the browser execute Javascript? How does the execution cursor move? type 'text javascript' alert 'hi there' script alert About to add str div.innerHTML str alert Done adding script script..
What is “var _gaq = _gaq || []; ” for? 'script' 0 s.parentNode.insertBefore ga s About The first line var _gaq _gaq I think it ensures that if _gaq..
How can I convert a string to boolean in JavaScript? conversion I think they're not what you're looking for. About the way you suggested you could make it stricter by using the..
Javascript syntax I haven't seen till now, what does it do really? see the def function below . Where does the object go 2 About the same thing again but a use of the operator that I never..
How to get the global object in JavaScript? the global context you can simply check this.ModuleName . About the function return this technique you are right on strict mode..
Javascript Math Error: Inexact Floats [duplicate] bits. See also What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic Wikipedia IEEE 754 share improve..
Password encryption at client side [duplicate] encryption at client side duplicate Possible Duplicate About password hashing system on client side I have to secure the..
Understanding floating point problems Start by reading What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point http source 806 3568 ncg_goldberg.html..
JQuery $(#radioButton).change(…) not firing during de-selection .change &hellip not firing during de selection About a month ago Mitt's question went unanswered. Sadly I'm running..
Is JavaScript's Floating-Point Math Broken? why please read What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic . For a javascript library implementing..
int((0.1+0.7)*10) = 7 in several languages. How to prevent this?
Browser statistics on JavaScript disabled Why do People disable JavaScript W.SE's Should I Worry About People Disabling JavaScript W.SE's Can We Ignore Visitors Without..