javascript Programming Glossary: abort
How to detect timeout on an AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) call in the browser? to do something like window.setTimeout function xmlHttp.abort 30000 Thanks Mike javascript ajax browser share improve this.. response we can make the request xmlHttp.send Timeout to abort in 5 seconds var xmlHttpTimeout setTimeout ajaxTimeout 5000.. setTimeout ajaxTimeout 5000 function ajaxTimeout xmlHttp.abort alert Request timed out In IE8 You can add a timeout event handler..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) error uploadFailed false xhr.addEventListener abort uploadCanceled false 'POST' 'https yourbucket
Setting onbeforeunload on body element in Chrome and IE using jQuery onbeforeunload share improve this question you cannot abort page unload by returning false. you must return string that..
Sequencing ajax requests queue our ajax request ajaxQueue.queue doRequest add the abort method promise.abort function statusText proxy abort to the.. ajaxQueue.queue doRequest add the abort method promise.abort function statusText proxy abort to the jqXHR if it is active.. the abort method promise.abort function statusText proxy abort to the jqXHR if it is active if jqXHR return jqXHR.abort statusText..
Validation of file extension before uploading file it's worth here is the code to check file extension and abort if does not meet one of the valid extensions script type text..
Abort Ajax requests using jQuery Ajax requests using jQuery Using jQuery how can I cancel abort an Ajax request that I have not yet received the response from.. or the equivalent object so you can just use abort . See the documentation abort Method MSDN . Cancels the current.. object so you can just use abort . See the documentation abort Method MSDN . Cancels the current HTTP request. abort MDC ...
jQuery Ajax POST example with php the submit event of our form #foo .submit function event abort any pending request if request request.abort setup some local.. event abort any pending request if request request.abort setup some local variables var form this let's select and cache..
Is it possible to programmatically catch all events on the page in the browser? other event types but this list is long enough as it is. abort afterprint beforeprint beforeunload blur canplay canplaythrough.. I know that I can do this using jQuery document .bind 'abort afterprint beforeprint beforeunload etc.' function handle event..
How to simulate mouse click using Javascript? destination var eventMatchers 'HTMLEvents' ^ load unload abort error select change submit reset focus blur resize scroll 'MouseEvents'..
IE 9 Javascript error c00c023f this question I don't suppose your request is being aborted A quick Googling found this blog post. It would seem that.. quick Googling found this blog post. It would seem that an aborted request in IE9 will give this error when trying to read any.. fail. The author mitigates this problem by assigning an abort state to the request when the manual abort is performed and..
javascript to stop form submission going back to previous page it submits form. How can I abort this submission and return to previous page javascript html..
load and execute order of scripts it was added above then mark the element as ready but abort these steps without executing the script yet. Execution Execute..