javascript Programming Glossary: absolutely
Crockford's Prototypal inheritance - Issues with nested objects child inherits from parent which means they are not absolutely independent but still two different objects. share improve..
Detect IE version in Javascript conditional comments as of IE 10 rendering this approach absolutely useless. Any other obvious issues to be aware of Thanks. javascript..
Should you do validation on the server side? validation is a convenience. You cannot rely on it. You absolutely need to duplicate any client level validation with server side..
How to get height of entire document with JavaScript? can't get the height of the document to position something absolutely at the very bottom . Additionally a padding bottom on seems..
Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript? this would be done using system Javascript but if I absolutely need a JQuery or similar library or a tiny subset of it that..
What is DOM Event delegation? Just add the new li to the list and you're done. This is absolutely fantastic for web apps with event handlers bound to many elements..
Detecting when a div's height changes using jQuery so its height is changing often. I also have a div that is absolutely positioned directly underneath with javascript so unless I can..
What is the difference between the different methods of putting JavaScript code in an <a>? a real link to follow but really # isn't real . It will go absolutely no where. Is there one that isn't support or is really bad when..
Drag-and-drop file upload in Google Chrome/Chromium and Safari? element can be styled to have opacity 0 and positioned absolutely over an element that accepts uploads. The entire form can be..
How to check if a custom protocol supported this regard. If a custom protocol handler fails it does absolutely zip. If the handler works... you guessed it... it does absolutely.. zip. If the handler works... you guessed it... it does absolutely zip. No way of differentiating between the two I'm afraid. I..
iPad/iPhone browser crashing when loading images in Javascript .empty or what have you but on Mobile Safari this does absolutely nothing the browser simply never deallocates the memory. Instead..
How do you check if a selector matches something in jQuery? do it seems to be if selector .length Do something If you absolutely must have an exists function which will be slower you can do..
How to execute a JavaScript function when I have its name as a string share improve this question Don't use eval unless you absolutely positively have no other choice. As has been mentioned using..
What it the significance of the Javascript constructor property? improve this question The constructor property makes absolutely no practical difference to anything internally. It's only any..
If Browser is Internet Explorer: run an alternative script instead It works great in Opera and Chrome half decent in FF and absolutely breaks my balls in IE. So i'd like to give IE users an alternative..
Is eval() and new Function() the same thing? Crockford believe that neither should be used unless absolutely necessary and evaling using the Function constructor on untrusted..
Fire jQuery event on div change some code when the content of the div changes but I have absolutely no control on how it will change. Indeed I am designing a widget..
how do i hide javascript code in a webpage? performance reliability and making your app great. If you absolutely have to protect some algorithm put it on the server but other..