java Programming Glossary: turns
How to use JarOutputStream to create a JAR file? share improve this question Unfreaking believable... It turns out that JarOutputStream has two undocumented quirks Directory..
JSP tricks to make templating easier? user.lastName br Phone br p t userpage But it turns you like to use that user detail block in other places. So we'll..
Servlets: doGet and doPost worthless .. rather add the information in a new block it turns out that you're unnecessarily setting form's encoding type to..
Read large files in Java is doing mostly sequential reading and writing . If speed turns out to be a problem you could have a look at the java.nio packages..
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main [duplicate] void main String arg System.out.println hi EDIT It turns out this isn't true I was able to run your initial code with..
Why don't Java Generics support primitive types? Java are an entirely compile time construct the compiler turns all generic uses into casts to the right type. This is to maintain.. has to be convertable to Object in this example get 0 returns an Object and the primitive types aren't. So they can't be used..
Avoiding instanceof in Java anything simple but not smelly Note added 5 10 2010 It turns out that new subclasses will probably be added in the future..
Change private static final field using Java reflection Essentially field.getModifiers ~Modifier.FINAL turns off the bit corresponding to Modifier.FINAL from field.getModifiers..
What does JVM flag CMSClassUnloadingEnabled actually do? Collector doesn't by default unload classes and this flag turns it on but I can't be sure. java jvm classloader jvm arguments..
IllegalArgumentException or NullPointerException for a null parameter?
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed] consumer web apps and have never looked back. UPDATE It turns out that after many years of sitting on a shelf the Apache Commons..
add values to enum it's a subtype but now what are you going to do when it turns out the value is D To eliminate this problem extending enums..
JComboBox Selection Change Listener? change on a JComboBox Edit I have to apologize it turns out I was using a misbehaving subclass of JComboBox but I'll..
The case against checked exceptions API programmer knows you might give them a file name that turns out to be nonexistent at the time the API is called and that..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? http url cookies share improve this question It turns out that Google Android ships with Apache HttpClient 4.0 and..
Java 7 language features with Android that Android reads the bytecode that Java spits out and turns it to dex. So I guess my question is can it understand the bytecode.. because java.lang.SafeVarargs does not exist ... yet It turns out that although Android's library is targeting for 1.6 the..
Create instance of generic type in Java? SomeContainer E E createContents return what EDIT It turns out that Super Type Tokens could be used to resolve my issue..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger when I move my fingers too fast across the screen the line turns to individual dots. I am not sure whether I can speed up the..
Does setting Java objects to null do anything anymore? the advice that probably no longer holds on modern JVMs it turns out that the JIT compiler can work out at what point a given..
NullPointerException through auto-boxing-behavior of Java ternary operator else number 0 vs. Integer number condition getNumber 0 . Turns out if condition is true the if statement works fine while the..
Java Class.cast() vs. cast operator that finally we have an OO way of dealing with casting. Turns out Class.cast is not the same as static_cast in C . It is more..
InetAddress.getLocalHost() throws UnknownHostException be the least troublesome due to the nice Java integration. Turns out I was wrong as I end up with a UnknownHostException try..
Java RMI + SSL + Compression = IMPOSSIBLE! ServerSocket b throws IOException this.base b Turns out we have to implement this getLocalPort since this number..
Freetts problem in Java getting occasional errors LINE UNAVAILABLE Format is ... Turns out there is no Java Exception or other mechanism to detect..
Calling java from PHP exec 5.2.5 java php flex exec share improve this question Turns out it was a bug specific to the PHP stack MAMP http a bug specific to the PHP stack MAMP http . Turns out any invocation of the JVM following fails under MAMP e.g...
Java heap space out of memory arbitrary number of simulations Thanks edit Thanks guys. Turns out the simulator software wasn't clearing the information after..
Why does the JTable header not appear in the image? into PNG image file when the OP requested a code sample. Turns out to be harder than I thought The JTable header vanishes from..
Could not find or load main class java HelloWorld.class Which resulted in the same error. Turns out you need to exclude the .class java HelloWorld share improve..
Query Windows Search from Java an update for those who've been following and curious. Turns out there are no threading issues I just needed to explicitly..
Why am I getting the following error when running Google App from eclipse? I found the solution. It's what I wrote at the very top. Turns out I was adding the argument to the wrong eclipse installation...
Where do I specify Jackson SerializationConfig.Feature settings in Spring 3.1 I want my dates to remain serialised as numbers. UPDATE Turns out it's not spring that's causing the problem it's actually..