java Programming Glossary: twitter
Java Play! 2 - User management with cookies and log in users with e mail Google Facebook Foursquare Twitter OpenId and custom providers. Multilanguage support currently..
Implement OAuth in Java my app too. Thanks in advance phineas OAuth docs Twitter API wiki Class Base64Coder import
How to generate an HMAC in Java equivalent to a Python example? Python example I'm looking at implementing an app getting Twitter authorization via Oauth in Java. The first step is getting a..
PHP vs Java performance and scalability comparison [closed] relative to PHP in a modern web application environment Twitter Facebook COMET push Is there any type of canonical web application..
Best Java framework for server side WebSockets [closed] for Authentication Autorization JDBC SMTP XMPP Jabber RPC Twitter Filesharing Chat etc. . Just check it out... http
JOAuth, a java-based OAuth 1 (final) and OAuth 2 (draft 10) library. How do I use it? about OAuth and how to connect to Facebook Graph API or Twitter API using OAuth protocol. I've discovered JOAuth from Google.. as follows xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 oauth config Twitter OAuth Config oauth name twitter version 1 consumer key TWITTER_KEY.. class com.neurologic.music4point0.oauth.TwitterOAuthService oauth twitter success path start.htm service service..
How to prevent parameter binding from interpreting commas in Spring 3.0.5? or some other mechanism. TIA UPDATE I posted this Q on Twitter and got a reply saying the expected output appears with Spring..
OAuth 1 authorization with JOAuth, example needed do OAuth 1 3 legged or 2 legged authorization in LinkedIn Twitter I thought I'll post an example of how I've achieved to authorize.. I'll post an example of how I've achieved to authorize to Twitter with JOAuth . java oauth joauth share improve this question.. an Access Token net.oauth.token.v1.AccessToken from Twitter. First you will need 2 things from Twitter which you are required..
Client-side templating language with java compiler as well (DRY templating) accustomed to Mustache I've chosen the Hogan parser by the Twitter guys http hogan.js 100 DRY even the client..
removing characters of a specific unicode range from a string a program that is parsting tweets in real time from the twitter stream api. Before storing them I am encoding them as utf8... String args String utf8tweet try byte utf8Bytes #Hello twitter How are you .getBytes UTF 8 utf8tweet new String utf8Bytes.. utf8tweet Results in the following output Before #Hello twitter How are you After #Hello twitter How are you EDIT To explain..
Implement OAuth in Java why it doesn't work. My OAuth provider I wanted to use is twitter where I've registered my app too. Thanks in advance phineas.. main String args System.out.println http oauth request_token java twitter oauth share improve.. http oauth request_token java twitter oauth share improve this question Try remove the parameter..
Mapping same class relation - continuation Hibernate insert into Users FirstName LastName email twitter birthday dlpId id values Hibernate update MyFriends set me_Id..
Taking contact list from hotmail gmail yahoo in java? [closed] does this. when you register one of them for example twitter it says why dont you invite your friends from hotmail or yahoo..
JOAuth, a java-based OAuth 1 (final) and OAuth 2 (draft 10) library. How do I use it? UTF 8 oauth config Twitter OAuth Config oauth name twitter version 1 consumer key TWITTER_KEY secret TWITTER_SECRET provider.. secret TWITTER_SECRET provider requestTokenUrl https oauth request_token authorizationUrl https oauth request_token authorizationUrl https oauth authorize accessTokenUrl https oauth..
Running a regular background event in Java web app event in Java web app In podcast #15 Jeff mentioned he twittered about how to run a regular event in the background as if it.. function unfortunately I can't seem to find that through twitter. Now I need to do a similar thing and are going to throw the..
OAuth 1 authorization with JOAuth, example needed API_KEY API_SECRET new OAuth1ServiceProvider https oauth request_token https oauth authorize.. https oauth request_token https oauth authorize https oauth access_token.. https oauth authorize https oauth access_token The parameters are as follows API Key..
Storing username/password on Mac using Java password on Mac using Java I'm writing a small program a twitter client in Java aimed at Mac OS X. As part of its functionality.. of its functionality it needs to have a place to store the twitter username password. The natural place would be the mac keychain..
Best java twitter library? java twitter library The twitter API site lists 3 java twitter libaries... java twitter library The twitter API site lists 3 java twitter libaries. Twitter4j java twitter.. java twitter library The twitter API site lists 3 java twitter libaries. Twitter4j java twitter jtwitter Do you know others..