java Programming Glossary: tstamp
Running ANT Programmatically Through Java basedir . default init name projectName target name init tstamp target target depends init name build eclipse.refreshLocal depth..
Compile JavaFX Code using ANT lib IJK.jar target name init Create the time stamp tstamp Create the build directory structure used by compile mkdir.. jre lib jfxrt.jar lib ScenicView.jar target name init tstamp mkdir dir buildXYZ target target name XYZ depends init taskdef..
Cannot find Main Class in File Compiled With Ant target name init makes time stamp to be used in jar name tstamp creates build directory structure mkdir dir build target target..
Compiling java files in all subfolders? [duplicate] dist location dist target name init Create the time stamp tstamp Create the build directory structure used by compile mkdir dir..
Differences between Ant and Maven location target target name init Create the time stamp tstamp Create the build directory structure used by compile mkdir dir..
Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson) property name version value 1.23 target name buildinfo tstamp format property builtat pattern MM dd yyyy hh mm aa timezone.. pattern MM dd yyyy hh mm aa timezone America New_York tstamp exec executable svnversion outputproperty svnversion exec executable..