java Programming Glossary: tuning
Speed tradeoff of Java's -Xms and -Xmx options process and the output of my program java performance tuning jvm arguments share improve this question It depends on..
Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java. doesnt seem to be working I am left with the voodoo of tuning Garbage Collection blind. What I have tried Profiling and fixing.. combinations of the above. I have also consulted the JVM tuning reference http javase technologies hotspot gc gc_tuning_6.html.. http javase technologies hotspot gc gc_tuning_6.html but can't really find anything explaining this behavior..
How do I optimize for multi-core and multi-CPU computers in Java? to physical processors. You do have some options for tuning. For example I found this page which talks about how to tune..
Auto-wiring a List using util schema gives NoSuchBeanDefinitionException myList . The solution is mentioned in 3.11.3. Fine tuning annotation based autowiring with qualifiers If you intend to..
Hashset vs Treeset specified by you via it's constructor doesn't offer any tuning parameters for iteration performance offers a few handy methods..
Java - Storing SQL statements in an external file keep them in sync in case database schema changes or for tuning purposes. Here are the requirements The file must be readable..
Java NIO FileChannel versus FileOutputstream performance / usefulness own experience has been that this buffer size is ripe for tuning. I've settled on 4KB for one part of my application 256KB for..
What GC parameters is a JVM running with? with I'm still investigating issues I have with GC tuning see prior question which involves lots of reading and experimentation...
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] in Java games Best Practices closed I'm performance tuning interactive games in Java for the Android platform. Once in..
Thread Dump Analysis Tool / Method [closed] ExecuteThread '19' for queue 'weblogic.kernel.Default self tuning ' daemon prio 7 tid 07b06000 nid 108 lwp_id 222813 waiting for.. ExecuteThread '19' for queue 'weblogic.kernel.Default self tuning ' daemon prio 7 tid 07b06000 nid 108 lwp_id 222813 waiting for..
How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size) heap size dynamically that will be great. java jvm heap tuning outofmemoryerror share improve this question Ultimately you..
If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have? location . For example here is an example of performance tuning in which a series of performance problems were identified and.. it but to know its location. A phenomenon of performance tuning is that fixing one problem by reducing the time magnifies the.. paper failed to reference my article Dunlavey œPerformance tuning with instruction level cost derived from call stack sampling..
Recurring “PermGen” in Tomcat 6 use XX MaxPermSize SIZE The following links may be helpful tuning GC this is the 1.5 edition GC FAQ 1.4.2 edition Hotspot VM options..
JVM sending back memory to OS use the XX MaxHeapFreeRatio option as described in the tuning guide . If you feel your question is meaningfully different..
Is there a cookbook guide for GC problems? people don't know how to identify the key factors so GC tuning is more like a black art than a science. Not everyone uses a.. have provided some things I have found. As for a cookbook tuning is most likely application specific at this level but it is..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool still need to know about relational models SQL performance tuning of queries and so forth. Whereas Ibatis will simply having you..
Tuning garbage collections for low latency garbage collections for low latency I'm looking for arguments..
What is the garbage collector in Java?
GC overhead limit exceeded Java SE 6 HotSpot tm Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning the following Excessive GC Time and OutOfMemoryError The concurrent..
File Streaming in Java That's an interesting benchmark. Articles Tuning Java I O Performance http developer technicalArticles.. developer technicalArticles Programming PerfTuning Simple Sun recommendations but please scroll down and have a..
Is there a cookbook guide for GC problems? question References for various GC information Oracle Tuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java tm Virtual Machine and.. Java SE 6 HotSpot tm Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning IBM Fine Tuning Garbage Collection Extensible Verbose Toolkit.. tm Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning IBM Fine Tuning Garbage Collection Extensible Verbose Toolkit SAP JVM Memory..
Java Memory explained (SUN JVM) Determining memory usage in Java Java Performance Tuning web site Java World Pick up performance with generational garbage..
Java Garbage Collection Log messages improve this question Most of it is explained in the GC Tuning Guide which you would do well to read anyway . The command line..