java Programming Glossary: thinking
Sort on a string that may contain a number just use regular expressions to break out any integer. I'm thinking of just walking the strings from the beginning until I find..
Dynamic Graphics Object Painting In Java is only called during the initial creation Right now I was thinking about having it call various other methods passing the Graphics..
Difference between int[] array and int array[] between int array and int array I have recently been thinking about the difference between the two ways of defining an array..
How do I do a deep copy of a 2d array in Java? I just got bit by using .clone on my 2d boolean array thinking that this was a deep copy. How can I perform a deep copy of..
How to Round Up The Result Of Integer Division to Round Up The Result Of Integer Division I'm thinking in particular of how to display pagination controls when using..
How would you implement an LRU cache in Java 6? is if there were a concurrent version. But alas. I was thinking almost exactly the same thing before I went with the LinkedHashMap..
Java thread affinity 2011 01 22 cputhread affinity in java UPD After some thinking I've decided to create my own class for this
Java Desktop application: SWT vs. Swing [closed] SWT vs. Swing closed I'm a web developer at day and thinking about building my first real desktop application. The idea is.. SWT Thanks. PS I develop on Windows using Eclipse. But was thinking about playing with Netbeans. java swing swt share improve..
Scanning Java annotations at runtime you know a library or a Java facility to do this Edit I'm thinking about something like the new functionality for Java EE 5 Web..
Capturing image from webcam in java? recognition by maybe using java media framework . I was thinking of creating two threads one thread Node 1 capture live image..
Java KeyListener for JFrame is being unresponsive? messages as if the KeyListener was not even there. I was thinking that it could be because the focus is not on the JFrame and..
How slow are Java exceptions? methods in different orders and averaging my test times thinking it may have been the JVM warming up. In all my tests the throw.. to. Will I instead have to praise them on their forward thinking In the paper Efficient Java exception handling in just in time..
Java Process with Input/Output Stream points might not matter to you if whatever it is you're thinking of running as a scheduled task is going to be restricted to..
Java - sending HTTP parameters via POST method easily param3 via POST method because they are very long. I was thinking to add an extra parameter to that method i.e. String httpMethod..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? lock which reduces throughput This is overly simplistic thinking just getting rid of synchronized this won't solve the problem...
How to make an image move while listening to a keypress in Java. to right while the window is listening to a keypress. I'm thinking that I will add a key listener to my window then fire an infinite..
Why are static variables considered evil? something the easier it is to reason about. We're good at thinking about small things but it's hard to reason about the state of..
Create instance of generic type in Java? to create an instance of a generic type in Java I'm thinking based on what I've seen that the answer is no due to type erasure..
Sudoku Backtracking Non valid Sudoku where you decide to give up with a no solution state. Thinking about it further I suspect I am only nearly right. If you hit..
What is a good 64bit hash function in Java for textual strings? regardless of whatever crazy scenario you need it for. Thinking of usecases for 128 bit keys 340 282 366 920 938 463 463 374..
Learning Java [closed] for an experienced programmer wanting to learn Java than Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel. Don't let the 'beginner' language turn..
Is there a more modern, OO version of “Let's Build a Compiler”? of tests to support the ability to mercilessly refactor. Thinking back I am leaning towards the latter. The compiler worked but..
Best way to read a text file [closed]
Java concurrency cynicism gone too far? [closed] properly. I have a copy of Bruce Eckel's grand tome Thinking In Java 4th ed which has some fairly good coverage of a number..
Spring @Transaction not starting transactions application context xml and it fixes the problem. Thinking that I also moved my tx annotation driven into abc servlet.xml..
What is the best approach for a Java developer to learn C++ [closed] syntax. You should get Stroustrup . I think well of Thinking in C by Bruce Eckels. I've used The C FAQ Book by Cline Lomow..