

java Programming Glossary: they

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


Trains are heavy and have a lot of inertia. So they take forever to start up and slow down. Is there a better way.. processors are complicated and have long pipelines. So they take forever to warm up and slow down . Is there a better way.. the iterations will not enter the if statement. After that they will all enter the if statement. This is very friendly to the..

How to round a number to n decimal places in Java


it always displays numbers with 5 decimal places even if they are not significant String.format .5g n 0.912300 returns 0.91230..

Why JSF calls getters multiple times


in JSF backing beans should be designed that way that they solely return the already prepared property and nothing more..

What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP?


and multithreading What is a Javabean and where are they used How to avoid Java code in JSP files share improve this..

What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?


What are raw types in Java and why do I often hear that they shouldn't be used in new code What is the alternative if we.. and mt2 are both declared with actual type parameters so they're not raw types. What's so special about raw types Essentially.. about raw types Essentially raw types behaves just like they were before generics were introduced. That is the following..

How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading


server then what happens to the session variables Will they all be common for all the users or they will be different for.. variables Will they all be common for all the users or they will be different for each user. If they are different then.. all the users or they will be different for each user. If they are different then how was the server able to differentiate..

JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense?


share improve this question JSTL tags are taghandlers and they are executed during view build time while JSF UI components.. in Mojarra versions older than 2.1.18. Before this version they don't work well together with view scoped beans when partial..

How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project?


and JBoss AS are more than just a servletcontainer they also supports JSF EJB JPA and all other Java EE fanciness. Once..

How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?


Goetz 2005 . Do not expect too much from micro benchmarks they measure only a limited range of JVM performance characteristics...

How to: generic array creation


Class E argument and methods will throw an exception when they are passed arguments that are not of type E . See Collections.checkedCollection.. erasure so generic classes don't know what type argument they were created with at run time and therefore can not provide..

How to add JTable in JPanel


set are shown as a titled border for the panel on which they are used. Notable aspects of the code are There is a combo box..

Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing?


having special ideas about child sizes. Slightly because they should have implemented their needs with a custom LayoutManager..

The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice?


this answer . The 'single row' part of that only works if they are all the same dimensions. Alternately if you are prepared.. if you are prepared to scale the images on the fly and they are all the same aspect ratio e.g. 4 3 or 16 9 . share improve..

Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image


iMasterSize return dScale It's used by these two methods. They simply take two Dimension s. The original and the target. public..

Simple way to repeat a String in java


for loops when they are not completely necessary because They add to the number of lines of code even if they are tucked away.. coming along and adding some additional clever fix . They are very often easy to get wrong. For loops that involving indexes..

How can I lock a file using java (if possible)


while ReadApp is reading the same file or vice versa. They are different processes. java file io share improve this..

Difference between int[] array and int array[]


me any closer. java arrays share improve this question They are semantically identical. The int array syntax was only added..

How do I list the files inside a JAR file?


read it using java.util.Zip . My Structure is like this They are like my.jar Main.class my.jar Aux.class my.jar Other.class..

Places where JavaBeans are used?


apps java javabeans share improve this question They often just represents real world data. Here's a simple example..

Why JSF calls getters multiple times


nothing more exactly as per the Javabeans specification . They should not do any expensive DB business logic at all. For that.. blocks and or action listener methods should be used. They are executed only once at some point of request based JSF lifecycle..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been committed


when someCondition is true This is thus actually not true. They do certainly not behave differently than any other Java methods..

What are the pros and cons of the assorted Java web frameworks? [closed]


I still think that product serves a fairly narrow niche. They change the development model with every major release as well..

non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context


Static fields and methods are shared with all instances. They are for values which are specific to the class and not a specific..

How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading


Filter and Listener lives as long as the webapp lives. They are being shared among all requests in all sessions. Any attribute..

Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java


char is guaranteed to hold a Unicode character. It ™s not. They only get away with this blindness to the astral planes because..

Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions?


B both work is to dispel two pervasive myths about them They are only ever looking for w word characters never for non word.. for w word characters never for non word characters. They do not specifically look for the edge of the string. A b boundary.. However people often want a different sort of boundary. They want something that is whitespace and edge of string aware left..

Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation


explicitly catch or rethrow should not be used at all. They were eliminated in C# for example and most languages don't have..

Why are static variables considered evil?


the inter dependencies on the other parts of the code. They can act as perfect state holders. Adding to this I find that..

Is there a way to refer to the current type with a type variable?


type parameter SELF with its own type and implement self . They should also be marked final to avoid breaking the contract public..