

java Programming Glossary: they'd

How is Java's ThreadLocal implemented under the hood?


if someone decided to hold onto Thread objects after they'd finished they'd never be GC'ed and therefore neither would our.. decided to hold onto Thread objects after they'd finished they'd never be GC'ed and therefore neither would our objects even..

Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners


classes in one file for brevity but in the application they'd be in their own files but would all share the same package...

Spreadsheet-like control for a web application? [closed]


very complex spreadsheets into a web app. As part of this they'd like some of the web pages they use to enter model data to resemble..

leiningen - how to add dependencies for local jars?


this question You could put your private jars in lib and they'd be on the classpath for the purposes of lein swank and the like..

How difficult is it to turn a “Java School” programmer into a C or C++ programmer?


I don't know what your company does I can't tell whether they'd apply. After all you probably don't want your developers writing..

Is there a recommended way to use the Observer pattern in MVP using GWT?


views with three different presenters and therefore they'd make up three different modules. Now it's entirely possible..

How to call SOAP web service in Android


a SOAP library to Android. My suspicion for this is that they'd rather support the current trends in Web Services toward REST..

Servlet filter for browser caching?


how to go about doing this Or even better have sample code they'd be willing to share Thanks java servlets caching servlet filters..

Record streaming audio in java?


do this. I found two different libraries that seemed like they'd work NativeBass and Xuggle but neither supported 64 bit windows..

Persisting data suited for enums


data when installing the application. At this point they'd have ids that are usable as foreign keys in other tables. I..

Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface?


would be forced to implement the static method so they'd all be fine when calling the static method. So why isn't this..

It's possible in Swing configure a JTextField to only accept numbers? [duplicate]


not curse your name for forcing them to type in something they'd like to choose using the arrow keys. E.G. import javax.swing...

Why DispatcherServlet creates another application context?


and if you have multiple DispatcherServlets in one app they'd each need to be configured separately. Therefore each one gets..

Recommendations for java captcha libraries [closed]


control over look and feel Has anyone used any others that they'd recommend java java ee captcha recaptcha share improve this..