java Programming Glossary: teleport
I am trying to make ball gradually move you press one of the arrow keys right now it kind of just teleports. I want it so that you can see it move. Based on this example.. it to move by 50 pixels but gradually I dont want it to teleport public ControlPanel this.add new MoveButton u2190 KeyEvent.VK_LEFT.. it to move by 50 pixels but gradually I dont want it to teleport public ControlPanel this.add new MoveButton u2190 KeyEvent.VK_LEFT..
How to call a method stored in a HashMap? (Java) to store a hash of command method pairs 'h' showHelp 't' teleport So that I can have code something like HashMap cmdList new HashMap.. 't' new Command public void runCommand System.out.println teleport char cmd 'h' methodMap.get cmd .runCommand prints Help cmd.. prints Help cmd 't' methodMap.get cmd .runCommand prints teleport With that said you can actually do what you're asking for using..