java Programming Glossary: tempfile
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? AUDIO_RECORDER_FOLDER if file.exists file.mkdirs File tempFile new File filepath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE if tempFile.exists.. tempFile new File filepath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE if tempFile.exists tempFile.delete return file.getAbsolutePath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE.. File filepath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE if tempFile.exists tempFile.delete return file.getAbsolutePath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE..
Java - Find a line in a file and remove can find a match. File inputFile new File myFile.txt File tempFile new File myTempFile.txt BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader.. BufferedWriter writer new BufferedWriter new FileWriter tempFile String lineToRemove bbb String currentLine while currentLine..
Convert audio stream to WAV byte array in Java without temp file AudioFormat.Encoding.ULAW pcm File tempFile File.createTempFile wav tmp AudioSystem.write ulaw AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE.. wav tmp AudioSystem.write ulaw AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE tempFile The fileToByteArray method reads the file into a byte array.. byte array omitted for brevity byte bytes fileToByteArray tempFile tempFile.delete return bytes This is obviously less desirable...
How to select and crop an image in android? if resultCode RESULT_OK if imageReturnedIntent null File tempFile getTempFile String filePath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
How can I add entries to an existing zip file in Java? [duplicate] zipFile File files throws IOException get a temp file File tempFile File.createTempFile zipFile.getName null delete it otherwise.. it otherwise you cannot rename your existing zip to it. tempFile.delete boolean renameOk zipFile.renameTo tempFile if renameOk.. to it. tempFile.delete boolean renameOk zipFile.renameTo tempFile if renameOk throw new RuntimeException could not rename the..
deleting folder from java folderList path for String filePath filesList File tempFile new File filePath tempFile.delete for String filePath folderList.. String filePath filesList File tempFile new File filePath tempFile.delete for String filePath folderList File tempFile new File.. tempFile.delete for String filePath folderList File tempFile new File filePath tempFile.delete private void fetchCompleteList..
run exe which is packaged inside jar final String fileName throws IOException final File tempFile final ZipEntry entry final InputStream zipStream OutputStream.. entry final InputStream zipStream OutputStream fileStream tempFile File.createTempFile fileName Long.toString System.currentTimeMillis.. fileName Long.toString System.currentTimeMillis tempFile.deleteOnExit entry zipFile.getEntry fileName if entry null ..