java Programming Glossary: tempimage
Updating an image contained in a JLabel - problems BufferedImage image null Image scaledImage null JLabel tempImage try image new File name catch IOException e TODO.. scaledImage getScaledImage image THUMB_SIZE_X THUMB_SIZE_Y tempImage new JLabel new ImageIcon scaledImage swingImage tempImage Then.. tempImage new JLabel new ImageIcon scaledImage swingImage tempImage Then in my createAndShowGUI method that puts the swingImage..
Creating custom JButton from images containing transparent pixels int height icon.getIconHeight BufferedImage tempImage BufferedImage createImage width height Graphics2D g tempImage.createGraphics.. BufferedImage createImage width height Graphics2D g tempImage.createGraphics icon.paintIcon null g 0 0 g.dispose int alpha.. icon.paintIcon null g 0 0 g.dispose int alpha tempImage.getRGB posX posY 24 0x000000FF return alpha public static void..
How to rotate JXImagePanel? image.png image new ImageIcon bufferedImage .getImage tempImage image.getScaledInstance 100 150 Image.SCALE_FAST this.deskJXImagePanel.setImage.. 100 150 Image.SCALE_FAST this.deskJXImagePanel.setImage tempImage Now I would like to rotate it in 0 360 degrees. How it can be..