java Programming Glossary: temporaltype.timestamp
EclipseLink JPA @PreUpdate call not persisting follow. Entity fields @Column name updated_on @Temporal TemporalType.TIMESTAMP private Date updatedOn @Column name created_on @Temporal TemporalType.TIMESTAMP.. private Date updatedOn @Column name created_on @Temporal TemporalType.TIMESTAMP private Date createdOn Annotated update methods @PreUpdate public..
Hibernate @Version annotation and object references an unsaved transient instance Long version private Long createdBy @Temporal value TemporalType.TIMESTAMP private Date createdDate private Long updatedBy @Temporal value.. Date createdDate private Long updatedBy @Temporal value TemporalType.TIMESTAMP private Date updatedDate private String deactivatedReason private.. GenerationType.IDENTITY private long ID @Temporal value TemporalType.TIMESTAMP private Date eventDate private String comments private Integer..
Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue height @Column name measuretime nullable false @Temporal TemporalType.TIMESTAMP private Date measureTime @ManyToOne fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade..
JPA/Hibernate store date in UTC time zone JPA entity public class Event @Id public int id @Temporal TemporalType.TIMESTAMP public java.util.Date date If the date is 2008 Feb 03 9 30am..