java Programming Glossary: team
Find Oracle JDBC driver in Maven repository a POM will save you from pom.xml warnings If your team has a local Maven repository this guide might be helpful to..
Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine e.g. PHP or Ruby code on App Engine the Python App Engine team however does have the advantage of having on board Guido van..
Can add extra field(s) to @ManyToMany Hibernate extra table? Student and Course so take care of it. advice Hibernate team suppports these two approachs @OneToMany skaffman's answer or..
How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code? ECLIPSE FORMATTING Obviously one solution is to have our team members standardize on some external formatter like Jalopy or.. instructions for the Eclipse formatter without requiring team members using Eclipse to do any IDE reconfiguration other than..
Why filename in java should be same as class name? checkers . This isn't stuff that matters to most small teams but when your team grows and has multiple sites with consultants.. isn't stuff that matters to most small teams but when your team grows and has multiple sites with consultants from India China..
What are major differences between C# and Java? yet as Visual Studio. Especially if you've worked with team editions you'll know what I mean. Please add others you think..
Eclipse: Attach source/javadoc to a library via a local property among groups as large as the entire company your local team or even among your own many workspaces Save time setting up..
Why is January month 0 in Java Calendar? I doubt whether anyone outside the original implementation team could really state reasons but again I'd urge readers not to..
LDAP Java library for authentication and role based user management. The team has implemented this using the JNDI but we have run into various..
How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF and transmit it to another endpoint. An issue was that my team didn't want the user of the product to have to install JMF...
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? an exciting and dramatic improvement and the development team is to be commended for this important effort. Java ™s Regex Unicode..
Difference between Mojarra and MyFaces [closed] and 1.2_02 around early 2006 the new Sun Oracle JSF dev team did great work. Not only with bugfixing but also with performance..
What's causing my Connection reset? by contractors who are no longer with us. The current team has no real Java expertise and we're unsure as to where the..
Should I use Java date and time classes or go with a 3rd party library like Joda Time? when it's already been done for you A newcomer to your team is much more likely to be familiar with Joda than with your..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool also read some good things about Hibernate and iBatis. Our team has little experience with any of the frameworks. There are.. Ease of Troubleshooting If you were to manage a team of ~6 developers with J2EE experience which ORM tool would you.. danger with Ibatis here is proliferation meaning your dev team may just keep adding value objects and queries as they need..
How do I detect which kind of JRE is installed — 32bit vs. 64bit values seem to be inconsistent . The NetBeans Installer team are tackling the issue of JVM vs OS architecture. Quote x64..
Overlapping Views in Android to work it was a theme file from another programmer on the team. Just changed this item name android background #FF000000 item..
A class that behaves like @Entity and @Embeddable I have a one way @OneToMany relationship between a Team and Player class. I would like to save a Team object among your.. between a Team and Player class. I would like to save a Team object among your Players. Player's identifier IS COMPOUND by.. among your Players. Player's identifier IS COMPOUND by Team foreign key and list index as follows. I have a mapping like..
Java Method invocation vs using a variable using a variable Recently I got into a discussion with my Team lead about using temp variables vs calling getter methods. I..
Webkit browser in a Java app this question There is one in development by Swing Team http blog ixmal archive 2008 05 introducing_jwe.html..
How can I use generated value within composite keys? class. and please also read the warning from the Hibernate Team against using this feature . I don't have any practical experience..
Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives String emailAddresses this.emailAddresses emailAddresses Team public class Team private String name private Set Employee members.. this.emailAddresses emailAddresses Team public class Team private String name private Set Employee members public String.. ArrayList String me.getEmailAddresses .add Team team new Team team.setMembers new HashSet Employee team.getMembers..
How do relative file paths work in Eclipse? import javax.swing.JLabel import java.awt.GridLayout class TeamFrame extends JFrame public TeamFrame throws IOException PlayerPlus.. java.awt.GridLayout class TeamFrame extends JFrame public TeamFrame throws IOException PlayerPlus player Scanner myScanner.. player add new JLabel add new JLabel add new JLabel Team Batting Aberage add new JLabel PlayerPlus.findTeamAverageString..
how to make hibernate ignore class variables that are not mapped! list' My class @Entity @Table name team public class Team extends BaseObject implements Serializable @Id @GeneratedValue.. inverseJoinColumns @JoinColumn name team_id public Set Team getTeams return teams Why is this happening java hibernate.. @JoinColumn name team_id public Set Team getTeams return teams Why is this happening java hibernate jpa share..