java Programming Glossary: tcp
Why is it impossible, without attempting I/O, to detect that TCP socket was gracefully closed by peer? is it impossible without attempting I O to detect that TCP socket was gracefully closed by peer As a follow up to a recent.. impossible in Java without attempting reading writing on a TCP socket to detect that the socket has been gracefully closed.. or the NIO SocketChannel . When a peer gracefully closes a TCP connection the TCP stacks on both sides of the connection know..
Netty vs Apache MINA Which should I choose to develop my high performance TCP server java network programming apache mina netty share improve.. under MINA in which our application protocol ran over TCP IP HTTP and UDP. When we switched to Netty we added SSL and..
Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed] Basically each user would connect to the server over a TCP connection which would register the user into a hashmap. Each..
MySQL-JDBC: Communications Link Failure in JDBC URL. DB server is down. DB server doesn't accept TCP IP connections. Something in between Java and DB is blocking..
How to do a true Java ping from Windows? can be obtained otherwise it will try to establish a TCP connection on port 7 Echo of the destination host. Thus your..
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure in JDBC URL. DB server is down. DB server doesn't accept TCP IP connections. DB server has run out of connections. Something..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android back. Currently I have the connect read write working for TCP IP over Wi Fi and now trying to implement Bluetooth. But I am..
Sockets: Discover port availability using Java
What's causing my Connection reset? there is an error in the underlying protocol such as a TCP error In your case it seems that the connection has been closed..
Asynchronous IO in Java? asynchronous reads writes via a queue model . It supports TCP and UDP a like. I've used Grizzly in a couple of projects. There..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? created a threaded service the following way public class TCPClientService extends Service ... @Override public void onCreate.. Measurements.isEmpty Thread.sleep 1000 continue Log.d TCP C Connecting... Socket socket new Socket socket.setTcpNoDelay.. throw new Exception Server Unavailable try Log.d TCP C Sending ' message ' PrintWriter out new PrintWriter new BufferedWriter..
Java TCP socket: data transfer is slow It seems pretty straightforward so far... java networking tcp sockets performance share improve this question You do not..
Error:The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed. Connection refused: connect are running. java sql server 2005 database connection tcp ip share improve this question I followed the steps below..
How do I check if a Socket is currently connected in Java? [duplicate] Any help appreciated thanks. java sockets tcp share improve this question Assuming you have some level.. questions 865987 do i need to heartbeat to keep a tcp connection open for more discussion. share improve this answer..
Java: How to detect a remote side socket close? on a socket on the remote side java networking sockets tcp share improve this question The isConnected method won't..
Why is it impossible, without attempting I/O, to detect that TCP socket was gracefully closed by peer? closed false connected true closed false ... java sockets tcp network programming share improve this question I think..
Unable to access jar file file I have a c# program that access a java program by tcp. In my C# program I'm starting the java program by this line..
Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed] picks it up and sends it back down the destination user's tcp connection. So not too short of a summary I'm afraid. But that's..
Listening for TCP and UDP requests on the same port localport new InetSocketAddress port Create and bind a tcp channel to listen for connections on. ServerSocketChannel tcpserver.. channel to listen for connections on. ServerSocketChannel tcpserver tcpserver.socket .bind localport.. on. ServerSocketChannel tcpserver tcpserver.socket .bind localport Also create and bind a DatagramChannel..
how to send an array of bytes over a TCP connection (java programming) the wheel. P.S. This is NOT homework java sockets tcp bytearray share improve this question The InputStream and..
Port to Service Name in Java? services has a bunch of Port to Service mappings echo 7 tcp echo 7 udp discard 9 tcp sink null discard 9 udp sink null systat.. Port to Service mappings echo 7 tcp echo 7 udp discard 9 tcp sink null discard 9 udp sink null systat 11 tcp users #Active.. discard 9 tcp sink null discard 9 udp sink null systat 11 tcp users #Active users systat 11 udp users #Active users daytime..
How do I convert Long to byte[] and back in java to a byte so that I will be able to send the byte over a tcp connection. On the other side I want to take that byte and convert..
Glassfish 3.1 CREDENTIAL_ERROR in Eclipse listener port 8080 protocol http listener 1 transport tcp name http listener 1 thread pool http thread pool network listener.. listener port 8181 protocol http listener 2 transport tcp name http listener 2 thread pool http thread pool network listener.. listener port 4848 protocol admin listener transport tcp name admin listener thread pool admin thread pool network listener..
Converting int to char in java value of an int value Specifically I'm reading a from a tcp stream and the readers .read method returns an int. How do I..
how to get a client's MAC address from HttpServlet? I'm working on top of Tomcat6 java tomcat servlets tcp share improve this question You're probably not going to..
Java detect lost connection just forever return true . How can I do this in java java tcp connection share improve this question Well the best way..
Remote debugging a Java application address 4000 suspend n I have opened port 4000 for tcp on this linux machine. I use eclipse from Windows XP machine..