

java Programming Glossary: suffix

How to save uploaded file


FilenameUtils.getBaseName uploadedFile.getName String suffix FilenameUtils.getExtension uploadedFile.getName File file File.createTempFile.. File file File.createTempFile prefix . suffix path to uploads FilenameUtils is part of Apache Commons IO which..

Invalid <url-pattern> servlet mapping in Tomcat 6.0


A string beginning with a character and ending with a suffix is used for path mapping. A string beginning with a . prefix..

Java Interfaces/Implementation naming convention [duplicate]


it is an acceptable exception to the rule. And the Impl suffix is just more noise as well. More tautology. Anything that isn't.. implementations. Are you going to put that silly Impl suffix on every name of every Class The Interface is a contract on.. about this exact question. Any of these silly prefix suffix naming conventions all violate the DRY principal as well. Also..

Design Patterns web based applications


request.getPathInfo as in above example. When you're using suffix patterns like .do .html etc then you could then invoke URL's..

How does this Java regex detect palindromes?


are. So the basic algorithm is that we try to build a suffix subject to a palindromic constraint as we scan the string left.. to assertEntirety in add is the following # prefix _suffix_ # . 1 2 # ________ i.e. a reluctant whatever prefix as short.. prefix as short as possible # group 2 followed by a suffix captured into group 2 Note that group 2 is self referencing..

Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0


else. Gradually upgrading If you're already using a suffix url pattern for the FacesServlet like .jsf then it's good to..

How to run Unix shell script from java code?


VAR1 myValue env.remove OTHERVAR env.put VAR2 env.get VAR1 suffix pb.directory new File myDir Process p pb.start share improve..

Changing the image of a h:commandButton using CSS


smiley.jpg.xhtml ln images See also Changing JSF prefix to suffix mapping forces me to reapply the mapping on CSS background images..

List of useful environment settings in Java


for int ii 0 ii locales.length ii String prefix String suffix Locale locale sortableLocale ii .getLocale if locale.equals.. .getLocale if locale.equals Locale.getDefault prefix b suffix b sb.append dataPairToTableRow prefix locale.toString suffix.. b sb.append dataPairToTableRow prefix locale.toString suffix prefix locale.getDisplayLanguage suffix td td prefix locale.getDisplayCountry..

How I save and retrieve an image on my server in a java webapp


FilenameUtils.getBaseName uploadedFile.getName String suffix FilenameUtils.getExtension uploadedFile.getName File uploadLocation.. upload.location File file File.createTempFile prefix . suffix uploadLocation InputStream input uploadedFile.getInputStream..

How do I trim a file extension from a String in Java?


String in Java What's the most efficient way to trim the suffix in Java like this title part1.txt title part2.html title part1..

Spring: namespace vs contextConfigLocation init parameters in web.xml


FrameworkServlet source code FrameworkServlet.java .... Suffix for WebApplicationContext namespaces. If a servlet of this class..

Trie vs. suffix tree vs. suffix array


tree but uses less space and is more widely used than the Suffix tree. In the same family of data structures There are other.. other implementations the CST is a implementation of the Suffix tree using a suffix array and some additional data structures.. and some additional data structures to get some of the Suffix tree search capabilities. The FCST takes it further it implements..

Android Contacts - Update Note


Name data StructuredName.MIDDLE_NAME else if type.equals Suffix data StructuredName.SUFFIX else if type.equals Phonetic Given..

Making a log4j console appender use different colors for different threads


u001b Prefix 0 Brightness Separator 31 Red foreground m Suffix text the text to output u001b m Prefix Suffix to reset color.. foreground m Suffix text the text to output u001b m Prefix Suffix to reset color Here some examples ColoredPatternLayout implementation..

Generalized Suffix Tree Java Implementation


Suffix Tree Java Implementation I am looking for a Java implementation.. I am looking for a Java implementation of the Generalized Suffix Tree GST with the following features After the creation of the..