java Programming Glossary: subtyping
Is polymorphism possible without inheritance Inclusion polymorphism is generally supported through subtyping i.e. objects of different types are entirely substitutable for.. seems to answer your questions as well. In Java This subtyping feature in Java is achieved among other means through inheritance.. inheritance of classes and interfaces. Although the subtyping features of Java may not be evident in terms of inheritance..
Most specific method with matches of both fixed/variable arity (varargs) Methods Applicable by Subtyping If no method applicable by subtyping is found the search for applicable methods continues with phase..
Why is not possible to extend annotations in Java? Design FAQ where it says Why don ™t you support annotation subtyping where one annotation type extends another It complicates the..
When to use generic methods and when to use wild-card? use wildcards. Wildcards are designed to support flexible subtyping which is what we're trying to express here. Don't we think wild..
What is the difference between <E extends Number> and <Number>? why the extends and super type are often necessary for subtyping flexibility. See also Java Tutorials Generics Subtyping Explains..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? pass it to a parameter of type List Object . There are subtyping rules for generics and List String is a subtype of the raw type..
Generics compiles and runs in Eclipse, but doesn't compile in javac computing uninferred type variables. This makes subsequent subtyping test Integer Comparable super T where T is a type variable to..
Reference is ambiguous with generics V Parameter V Field V V The 2nd line does not hold per subtyping rules in 4.10.2. So m2 is not more specific than m1. V is not..
Covariance, Invariance and Contravariance explained in plain English? method new ArrayList Number will. Another example where subtyping matters is overriding. Consider Super sup new Sub Number n sup.method..