

java Programming Glossary: suddenly

Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField?


field. Drawback is that this might mess up a layout if you suddenly add remove an icon the feedback only indicates that the input..

Why is using a wild card with a Java import statement bad?


but when they later add one your previously valid code suddenly stops compiling. The advantage of explicitly listing all imports..

Java Method invocation vs using a variable


They can improve the compiler to run good code faster and suddenly your Fast code is actually slowing the system down. share improve..

when to use assertion vs Exception


but an assertion could be used to check that the harddrive suddenly disapears. An assertion would stop the program from running..

Managing constructors with many parameters in Java 1.4


you were passing in for argument 2 is now a Shape it can suddenly be out of order. This question might be to specific and fraught..

getResourceAsStream() is always returning null


but after I performed a Clean and Build on the Project it suddenly stopped working java web services jboss inputstream share..

Java SecurityException : signer information does not match


does not match I recompiled my classes as usual and suddenly got the following error message why How to fix it java.lang.SecurityException..

What is the difference between a soft reference and a weak reference in Java?


are no strong references to the widget that weakWidget.get suddenly starts returning null . ... Soft references A soft reference..

Cannot find Main Class in File Compiled With Ant


built this project in the past with 0 issues and now it suddenly acts up on me when I add a second package to my lib folder Here's..

Singletons vs. Application Context in Android?


state indeterminism with subtle side effects which may suddenly surface when moving calls to getInstance from one scope to another..

Send and receive serialize object on UDP in java


will be the wrong size i.e. the first packet is dropped suddenly you are checking the first bytes of the payload to get the size..

“Uncompilable source code” RuntimeException in netbeans


we can change. And the code will work for weeks and then suddenly start throwing this error with no obvious reason why. We've..

Casting variables in Java


why it works. How can a object with the type Object just suddenly be casted to lets say MyType just an example and then get all..

Why doesn't the Java SDK installer set JAVA_HOME?


Java install to modify JAVA_HOME all those scripts would suddenly have to be launched with a new potentially incompatible JVM...

How to deal with the URISyntaxException


Are defaults in JDK 8 a form of multiple inheritance in Java?


when they upgrade to this new version they don't all suddenly have compiles errors around newInterface . While this is neat..

swing timer doesn't work properly [closed]


again. but if user selects two different pictures they suddenly closed so i can't see the second picture. i read some tutorials..

What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)?


it can't run. In case it runs occasionally it can explode suddenly. If you want to use dom4j you want version 1.6.1. Really. ...and..

Why learn Perl, Python, Ruby if the company is using C++, C# or Java as the application language? [closed]


expressions in Perl and realize their value you may suddenly start making use of the Java regular expression library if you..