java Programming Glossary: success
Copying files from one directory to another in Java be such a function or I couldn't find . Thank you. boolean success false File reviews dir.listFiles String trainingDir dir.getAbsolutePath.. trainingData File trDir new File trainingDir success trDir.mkdir for int i 1 i 20 i File review reviews i java..
How can I measure distance and create a bounding box based on two latitude+longitude points in Java? longitude share improve this question We've had some success using OpenMap to plot a lot of positional data. There's a LatLonPoint..
SwingWorker in Java [closed] when its done and show a JOptionPane message showing success of the sending import java.awt.BorderLayout import java.awt.Dimension..
Can you recommend a Java library for reading (and possibly writing) CSV files? [closed] We have used http with good success I also came across another question with good links http
What's the best mock framework for Java? [closed] mocking share improve this question I've had good success using Mockito . When I tried learning about JMock and EasyMock..
How to timeout a thread whether it timed out or some exception occured or if its a success . If the task goes into an infinite loop my parent thread keeps..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? in EL or just taking to the desired target page in case of success. If you want to invoke some Java code to control the execution.. invalid jsp property group jsp config In Facelets the successor of JSP which is part of the Java EE provided MVC framework.. at least not using the standard Java API. JSP's successor Facelets has already implicit HTML escaping so you don't need..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability 1nn is informal shouldn't happen on a GET HEAD 2nn is success 3nn is redirect 4nn is client error 5nn is server error For..
JSON order mixed up userid User 1 myObject.put amount 24.23 myObject.put success NO However when I see the display on my page it gives JSON formatted.. see the display on my page it gives JSON formatted string success NO userid User 1 bid 24.23 I need it in the order of userid.. 1 bid 24.23 I need it in the order of userid amount then success. Already tried re ordering in the code but to no avail. I've..
How to find a Java Memory Leak memory leaks in Java. I've used jProfiler with great success but I believe that any specialized tool with graphing capabilities..
Best practices for exception management in Java or C# a JSON object. Unfortunately I can't guarantee success for either of these tasks cut network connection malformed JSON.. that all the caller really cares about is if the task was successful not why it is wasn't successful. Here's some sample code.. about is if the task was successful not why it is wasn't successful. Here's some sample code in JAVA of a typical method public..
How to scale a BufferedImage the javadocs I have tried to scale a BufferedImage without success here is my code BufferedImage image MatrixToImageWriter.getBufferedImage..
Database not copying from assets I am giving you the complete code plz reply if you success public class DataBaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper private..
Killing a process using Java to ensure that the application was killed or not 0 means success 1 means error . But that of course will make your application..
Does finally always execute in Java? finally block be called For example try something return success catch Exception e return failure finally System.out.println..
Drawing a line on a JFrame javax.swing. import java.awt. import java.awt.geom. class Success extends JFrame public Success JPanel panel new JPanel getContentPane.. import java.awt.geom. class Success extends JFrame public Success JPanel panel new JPanel getContentPane .add panel setSize 450.. 250 260 g2.draw lin public static void main String args Success s new Success s.setVisible true java swing jframe graphics2d..
SwingWorker in Java [closed] JOptionPane.showMessageDialog dialog.getOwner Message sent Success JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE share improve this answer..
Custom JUnit Report? apply templates select error td xsl when xsl otherwise td Success td td td xsl otherwise xsl choose td xsl call template name..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask Boolean result if result if pd null pd.setTitle Success pd.setMessage folder is now ready for use. pd.dismiss..
Java Regex Helper more. Add Groups dictionary Lenght Capture Index Length Success ... these are all very necessary features that in my opinion..
Spring MVC custom scope bean user.getPassword mv.addObject flashScope.message Success else mv.addObject flashScope.message Login Failed return mv..
Remove Top-Level Container on Runtime of TopLayoutContainers JFrame JDialog End of Cycle Without Success Exit App BUILD SUCCESSFUL total time 13 seconds I'll try asking.. System.out.println End of Cycle Without Success Exit App closeMe private void closeMe EventQueue.invokeLater..
Java Generic List<List<? extends Number>> List Number extends Number matched by Number . Success The inner List extends Number works because Number does indeed..
Android REST client, Sample? public void onTaskComplete String response callback.onPostSuccess .execute Class definition for a callback to be invoked when.. to execute on the UI thread. public abstract void onPostSuccess Note that the app doesn't use the JSON or XML or whatever other.. newProfile new PostCallback @Override public void onPostSuccess Display Success I hope the comments are sufficient to explain..
Deserializing JSON with Jackson - Why JsonMappingException “No suitable constructor”? #MyPackage.DataPackets Reason Wrong pass or username Success false Username User1 I try to deserialize like this ProtocolContainer..
If statement using == gives unexpected result word its word in word on word a word at Log.i step step Success words.remove word I have a List called words and it contains..
Struts2: How to detect submit button clicked in multiple submit buttons scenario in single Action class? IF submitButton is addNewButton return doAddNew return SUCCESS public String doSearch throws Exception perform search logic..
javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Class *** nor any of its super class is known to this context response new Response try response.setCode MessageCode.SUCCESS response.setMessage Department Names Department dept new Department.. final long serialVersionUID 1L public enum MessageCode SUCCESS ERROR UNKNOWN private MessageCode code private String message..
Struts2: Updating the values of a “List Of Objects” inside a Map System.out.println entry.getKey entry.getValue return SUCCESS What is printed mykey1 mykey2 i.e. null values The screen below..
how to send and display QRCode image from action class to jsp in struts 2 userName .to ImageType.PNG .withSize 100 100 .file return SUCCESS public String getUserName return userName public void setUserName..
Need to upload multiple files at once length file.length i System.out.println n n return SUCCESS Then you may want to set the maximum size of the Request and..
Dependency Injection in Struts2 Accessing Session Scoped Beans q2 Question2 session.getMap .put myMap myMap return SUCCESS in the JSP I use simple iterator over session bean s iterator..
Java - JDBC alternatives [closed] in this field it's a great open source framework . SUCCESS Then Sun realized they had to simplify things and more generally.. where EJB CMP and JDO failed ease of use and adoption . SUCCESS To summarize Java's standard for database persistence is JPA..
checking a url exist or not this will fail input url.openStream System.out.println SUCCESS result true catch Exception ex Logger.getLogger NewClass.class.getName..
How do I pass a primitive data type by reference? to use a function's return value to relay a status code SUCCESS FAILURE while a function's actual output is relayed via one..
Sessions in struts2 application session.setAttribute userName loginBean.getUsername return SUCCESS Now when I am redirected to next page after an action it shows..
Maven does not find JUnit tests to run run 0 Failures 0 Errors 0 Skipped 0 INFO INFO BUILD SUCCESS INFO INFO Total time 2.089s INFO Finished at Mon May 30..
How do I return a view from a spring controller using an ajax request? Model model @RequestBody MyClass myclass myClass.setTitle SUCCESS model.addAttribute myClass myClass return dialogContent this.. myClass ModelAndView mav new ModelAndView myClass.setTitle SUCCESS mav.setViewName dialogContent mav.addObject myClass myClass..
How does the Netty threading model work in the case of many client connections? future throws Exception future.getChannel .write SUCCESS It also shows how different pipeline factories can be set..