java Programming Glossary: subset
Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans? fields are equal you don't need to compare all fields if a subset is unique for example currency codes for currency objects are..
In Java, why must equals() and hashCode() be consistent? a bucket is a linear O n operation but it's on a small subset. The hashcode bucket determination is essentially constant O..
Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why aren't Java's generics implicitly polymorphic? have to explicitly tell the method to accept a list of any subset of Animal by saying doSomething List extends Animal animals..
Can a constructor in Java be private? save a value and a type but it only lets you do it for a subset of types so making the general constructor private is needed..
Java Logging vs Log4J sent via e mail to the support guy severe messages from a subset of classes get logged to a syslog deamon on our server warning.. syslog deamon on our server warning messages from another subset of classes get logged to a file on network drive A and then..
Parsing very large XML documents (and a bit more) in java class same deal will subdivide the input XML into 1..n subset documents. It is possible that these will in some part overlap..
How to iteratively generate k elements subsets from a set of size n in java? to iteratively generate k elements subsets from a set of size n in java I'm working on a puzzle that.. I'm working on a puzzle that involves analyzing all size k subsets and figuring out which one is optimal. I wrote a solution that.. optimal. I wrote a solution that works when the number of subsets is small but it runs out of memory for larger problems. Now..
Calculating all of the subsets of a set of numbers all of the subsets of a set of numbers I want to find the subsets of a set of.. all of the subsets of a set of numbers I want to find the subsets of a set of integers. it is the first step of Sum of Subsets.. return null for example if I want to calculate the subsets of set 1 3 5 The result of my method is 1 3 5 5 3 5 5 3..
What type of memory (Heap or Stack) String constant pool in Java gets stored? object instances at all. The runtime constant pool is a subset of the method area which stores per class structures such as..
Creating multiple log files of different content with log4j log file would catch all DEBUG messages for a specific subset of classes and ignore all messages for any other class. Is there..
CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF as HTML wherein you would like to allow only a specific subset of HTML tags like b i u etc then you need to sanitize the input..