java Programming Glossary: subject
Why should the interface for a Java class be prefered?
Java web development, what skills do I need? [closed] ensure that you choose the most recent book covering the subject. Thus not an old book for JSF 1.0 or so. For example Beginning..
What is the memory consumption of an object in Java? 16 bytes also Clearly actual object size on the heap is subject to low level memory alignment done by a particular JVM implementation..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) know if I'm wierd but I haven't found any topic about the subject. The thing is I have data with lat and lng stored in my SQLite..
How to set a timer in java So the first part of the answer is how to do what the subject asks as this was how I initially interpreted it and a few people..
If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have? size order but it is essential to pinpoint them. On the subject of statistical accuracy of measurement if a call point is on.. we programmers blew the cobwebs out of our heads on the subject of profiling. Disclaimer the paper failed to reference my article..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? considered if you quote Bloch or other authorities on the subject don't leave out the parts you don't like e.g. Effective Java..
How to send an email by Java application using Gmail/ Yahoo/ Hotmail to RECIPIENT list of recipient email addresses String subject Java send mail example String body Welcome to JavaMail sendFromGMail.. String body Welcome to JavaMail sendFromGMail from pass to subject body private static void sendFromGMail String from String pass.. sendFromGMail String from String pass String to String subject String body Properties props System.getProperties String host..
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? stateless and JSF is stateful. The JSF component tree is subject to dynamic programmatic changes. JSF simply needs to know the..
Java - get pixel array from image this question I was just playing around with this same subject which is the fastest way to access the pixels. I currently know..
Smoothing a jagged path detection share improve this question This is a big subject. You might find Depixelizing Pixel Art 1 by Johannes Kopf Dani..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? bit but I haven't found any comprehensive analysis of the subject. So I have the following questions Should I completely avoid..
Is it possible to read from a InputStream with a timeout? any spawned threads must exit. To avoid arguments the subject here as documented by Sun any Java version..
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? the certificate but Java's mechanism seem to only look at subject alternative names only Is it possible to add alternative names.. Caused by No subject alternative names present at be too recent for this. From RFC 2818 Section 3.1 If a subjectAltName extension of type dNSName is present that MUST be used..
How to reference components in JSF ajax? Cannot find component with identifier “foo” in view my form. In order to grasp some concepts around the subject I read some posts but all of them seemed to describe really..
Concatenate strings in JSP EL? title into the text of the tooltip. So if conf.subject was Subject ultimately I'd like the title of the div to be Subject was Subject ultimately I'd like the title of the div to be Subject etc. containing all of the email..
What is the abbreviation of JAVA language? [closed] Date August 24 2007 8 16 58 PM PDT To Jonathan Schwartz Subject How was Java named The story goes like this We needed a name...
How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail? I then want to download each attachment printing out the Subject and From for each message as I process it. java python perl.. 'multipart' continue print mail From mail Subject # we use walk to create a generator so we can iterate on the..
Send email using java Message.RecipientType.TO new InternetAddress to Set Subject header field message.setSubject This is the Subject Line Now.. InternetAddress to Set Subject header field message.setSubject This is the Subject Line Now set the actual message message.setText.. Set Subject header field message.setSubject This is the Subject Line Now set the actual message message.setText This is actual..
Using Apache httpclient for https which I can not understand at all adding as trusted cert Subject CN Me OU MyHouse O Home L X ST X C BB Issuer CN Me OU MyHouse.. provider is init truststore adding as trusted cert Subject CN SwissSign Platinum CA G2 O SwissSign AG C CH Issuer CN SwissSign.. until Sat Oct 25 11 36 00 EEST 2036 adding as trusted cert Subject EMAILADDRESS CN http OU ValiCert..
Java implementation of JSON to XML conversion 35 Nationality Kazakhstan Class Semester Summer Room null Subject Politics Notes We're happy you happy Students Smith First..
Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format 18 00 05 57 2009 GMT Not After Jun 16 00 05 57 2009 GMT Subject C AU ST Victoria L Melbourne CN Subject Public.. Subject C AU ST Victoria L Melbourne CN Subject Public Key Info Public Key Algorithm dsaEncryption DSA Public.. 18 00 05 57 2009 GMT Not After Jun 16 00 05 57 2009 GMT Subject C AU ST Victoria L Melbourne CN Subject Public..
Glassfish 3.1 default principal to role mapping in JAAS realms a principal represents the identity of a Subject the user logging into the application in the system and it could..
Get login username in java new LoginContext appName new TextCallbackHandler lc.login Subject subject lc.getSubject Principal principals Principal subject.getPrincipals.. new TextCallbackHandler lc.login Subject subject lc.getSubject Principal principals Principal subject.getPrincipals .toArray..
JUnit theory for hashCode/equals contract
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? Otherwise the most specific Common Name field in the Subject field of the certificate MUST be used. Although the use of the.. keytool as of Java 7 keytool has an option to include a Subject Alternative Name see the table in the documentation for ext..
Any way to Invoke a private method?