java Programming Glossary: subclassing
JSTL collection iteration 1_3 fcs doc JSPTags5.html#74701 The steps involved include subclassing TagSupport public PersonSumTag extends TagSupport private List..
Using readClassDescriptor() and maybe resolveClass() to permit Serialization versioning able to do a simple class rename and or move package by subclassing ObjectInputStream and overriding readClassDescriptor if resultClassDescriptor.getName..
Java - How to drag and drop JPanel with its components over kill but makes it easier to add new flavor support by subclassing boolean supported false for DataFlavor mine getTransferDataFlavors..
Why shouldn't you extend JFrame and other components? composition is preferred over inheritance. That being said subclassing should be fine when you intend your subclass to add project..
Looking for a capturing impl of HttpServletResponseWrapper wishing to adapt the response from a Servlet. Without subclassing this class just passes all calls through to the wrapped response..
What is the equivalent of Java's final in C#? on the context in which it is used. Classes To prevent subclassing inheritance from the defined class Java public final class MyFinalClass..
Modify request parameter with servlet filter using request.setAttribute with the sanitized value. No subclassing no spoofing but does require you to modify other parts of your..
Mapping a specific servlet to be the default servlet in Tomcat I want to get raw requests I implemented my own servlet subclassing HttpServlet and that works great. My servlet looks like public..
How can I implement an abstract singleton class in Java? requires a private constructor and this already makes subclassing impossible. You'll need to rethink your design. The Abstract..
Accessing Spring beans from a Tiles view (JSP) to AbstractUrlBasedView too. In the short term I suggest subclassing UrlBasedViewResolver and TilesView copying the getRequestToExpose..
Resettable Java Timer threads accepts various time units and doesn't require subclassing TimerTask just implement Runnable . Configuring ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? single instances shared through global application state subclassing android.os.Application and obtaining it through context.getApplication..
What are synchronizing strategies for Prevayler? and Prevayler.execute Query . Either directly or by using subclassing. The returned results must be either primitive values or immutable..
Hibernate native query - char(3) column OR if you don't want that all over your code use the subclassing of Dialect to dictate which of the multiple possible mappings..
Use of final class in Java not and in certain cases can not be designed to take subclassing into account in a good way. In these cases it makes sense to..
Java Regex Helper You can ™t create a better version of a matches method by subclassing and replacement. Heck you can ™t even subclass Final is not a..
Difference between servlet and web service then you can directly write your own servlets by simply subclassing the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class and overwriting the..
Spring @Autowired usage . Sometimes there's also a trick or two when it comes to subclassing. But it usually just points us in the direction of stronger..
Disable items in JList of certain items in the list Is there a better way than subclassing JList and overriding every selection related method java swing..
How encapsulation is different from abstraction as a object oriented concept in java? generic term it can also be achieved by amongst others subclassing. For example the class List in the standard library is an abstraction..