java Programming Glossary: subscribe
Singleton in Cluster environment like a JMS topic tibRV. Get each cache instance to subscribe and react to any change messages broadcast on this topic. ..
How do I publish an update to Dashclock when my application receives an Intent? two frameworks that let application components publish and subscribe to events. In this case the extension subscribes and your proximity.. and subscribe to events. In this case the extension subscribes and your proximity sensor publishes. A full code snippet for..
monitoring mysql for changes interface. You can also make it possible to have a publish subscribe mechanism to alert interested parties about database changes...
Is there a recommended way to use the Observer pattern in MVP using GWT? lets presenters extending the abstract class Subscriber subscribe to events belonging to different modules in my app. Each module.. a more fine grained approach you can always let presenters subscribe to specific events such as NewLineAddedEvent or something like.. new EventBus private HashMap Module ArrayList Subscriber subscribers private EventBus subscribers new HashMap Module ArrayList..
Oracle table change monitor send out logical change records LCRs that a Java app could subscribe to via JMS. Or the trigger could write records to an Advanced.. could write records to an Advanced Queue that Java could subscribe to via JMS. you will still need to be wary of Oracle transations....
Production settings file for log4j? is taken into account later. See explanation with publish subscribe analogy . Nested categories of interest can be individually..
How assign bean's property an Enum value in Spring config file?
Exception when writing to the xlsx document several times using apache poi 3.7 bugzilla show_bug.cgi id 49940 I suggest you subscribe to that ticket to get notified about current improvements alternatives...
GWT Custom Event Handler How would you define those classes so that you can subscribe and fire events Most of the Events are DOM based while I want..