java Programming Glossary: stopcellediting
JSpinner (Time) in JTable ActionListener public void actionPerformed ActionEvent ae stopCellEditing Prepares the spinner component and returns it. public Component.. getCellEditorValue return spinner.getValue public boolean stopCellEditing System.err.println Stopping edit after stopcellEditing is called.. with the wrong values Thu Jan 01 01 00 00 UTC 1970 super.stopCellEditing try if editorNumeric null editorNumeric.commitEdit spinner.commitEdit..
Adding jRadioButton into jTable @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e stopCellEditing @Override public Object getCellEditorValue return radioButton.isSelected..
Change background color of one cell in JTable [duplicate] set the model's modified state in your implementation of stopCellEditing mentioned here . A related example of a custom renderer and.. MyModel table.getModel @Override public boolean stopCellEditing model.setState table.getEditingRow true return super.stopCellEditing.. model.setState table.getEditingRow true return super.stopCellEditing private static class MyModel extends AbstractTableModel private..
how to add checkbox and combobox in table cell? return true @Override public boolean stopCellEditing if comboBox.isEditable comboBox.actionPerformed new ActionEvent..
Remove focus on editable jtable cell terminateEditOnFocusLost Boolean.TRUE override stopCellEditing a public boolean stopCellEditing b myJTable.getCellEditor .stopCellEditing.. Boolean.TRUE override stopCellEditing a public boolean stopCellEditing b myJTable.getCellEditor .stopCellEditing c myJTable.getCellEditor.. a public boolean stopCellEditing b myJTable.getCellEditor .stopCellEditing c myJTable.getCellEditor row col .stopCellEditing share improve..
validate a table's cell using editors subclass DefaultCellEditor and override its stopCellEditing to call shouldYieldFocus and return its result aka refuse to.. getComponent .setInputVerifier iv @Override public boolean stopCellEditing if iv.shouldYieldFocus getComponent return false return super.stopCellEditing.. iv.shouldYieldFocus getComponent return false return super.stopCellEditing @Override public JTextField getComponent return JTextField super.getComponent..
How to add JRadioButton to two columuns of a JTable and ButtonGroup them. @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e stopCellEditing @Override public Object getCellEditorValue return radioButton.isSelected..
How to replace the AWT EventQueue with own implementation in a little demo app but when put in the real application stopCellEditing gets called immediately due to some event. I'd like to get access..
JTable cell editor number format value return editor @Override public boolean stopCellEditing try try to get the value this.getCellEditorValue return super.stopCellEditing.. try to get the value this.getCellEditorValue return super.stopCellEditing catch Exception ex return false @Override public Object getCellEditorValue..
How to mark JTable cell input as invalid? as a subclass of DefaultCellEditor . Your stopCellEditing method would be correspondingly simpler. Addendum Updated to.. JTextField.RIGHT @Override public boolean stopCellEditing try int v Integer.valueOf textField.getText if v 0 throw new.. e textField.setBorder red return false return super.stopCellEditing @Override public Component getTableCellEditorComponent JTable..
Controlled editing of a row selection in JTable JTable table this.table table public boolean stopCellEditing boolean ans super.stopCellEditing now we want to increment the.. table public boolean stopCellEditing boolean ans super.stopCellEditing now we want to increment the cell count table.editCellAt table.getSelectedRow..
Calculating running totals in JTable using JComboBox return editor.getCellEditorValue public boolean stopCellEditing return editor.stopCellEditing public void cancelCellEditing.. public boolean stopCellEditing return editor.stopCellEditing public void cancelCellEditing editor.cancelCellEditing public.. return editor.getCellEditorValue public boolean stopCellEditing return editor.stopCellEditing public void cancelCellEditing..