java Programming Glossary: steal
BoxLayout ignores setYAlighment it doesn't actually apply add createLabel ChatBytes Do not steal. Arial false 12 CENTER_ALIGNMENT BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT Can anyone.. JLabel admonition new JLabel ChatBytes ¢â€”Do not steal. JLabel.CENTER f.add admonition BorderLayout.SOUTH f.pack f.setLocationRelativeTo..
Does reflection breaks the idea of private methods, because private methods can be access outside of the class? threat of low trust code attempting to read it and thereby steal user's data Yes . Does it protect it from the threat of high..
Is there a workaround for Java's poor performance on walking huge directories? but getting the code right is annoying. I'll go steal some codes from the internets and hack them up brb Note Only..
How do I copy-protect my Java application? that as a compliment someone liked your software enough to steal it. Cold comfort I know but the alternative is to get in an.. win that. In the end a few percent of the population will steal software and you can't do much about that. You can use the key's..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? Some of the given reasons are some evil code may steal your lock very popular this one also has an accidentally variant.. I'll cover each point separately. Some evil code may steal your lock very popular this one also has an accidentally variant..
Piracy protection using USB based hardware solution honest and leave it at that. The pirates will always steal it and a hardware dongle will just cause grief for your honest..
How can I flash the Windows taskbar using Swing? I can't use frame.requestFocus because I don't want to steal focus from any other application. java swing taskbar windows..
break and label, “The label MyLable is missing”