java Programming Glossary: steve
Java Play! 2 - User management with cookies which uses concepts of securesocial full Deadbolt 2 by Steve Chaloner support. it has built in possibility to register and..
Where to store application data (non-user specific) on Linux a place that fits what you want to do even better. Like Steve K I would also recommend using the Preferences API for application..
Java: convert List<String> to a join()d string to a join d string Javascript has Array.join js Bill Bob Steve .join and Bill and Bob and Steve Does Java have anything like.. Array.join js Bill Bob Steve .join and Bill and Bob and Steve Does Java have anything like this I know I can cobble something..
Sum two dates in Java c1.clone sumCalendar.setTimeInMillis sum UPDATED As Steve stated this works if the Date you presented here assumes that..
How to find which jars and in what order are loaded by a classloader? trying to find out where a class is being loaded from Steve 's answer is probably more useful. share improve this answer..
Avoiding instanceof in Java this question You might be interested in this entry from Steve Yegge's Amazon blog when polymorphism fails . Essentially he's..
how many classes per package? methods per class? lines per method? usage bugs etc. java share improve this question Steve McConnell in his book Code Complete recommends about 7 methods..
Differences between Ant and Maven and create a JAR. What About Ivy Right so someone like Steve Loughran is going to read that comparison and call foul. He's..
JSF 2 - How can I get a context-param value from web.xml using JSF EL? get the value java jsf 2 share improve this question Steve Taylor's answer does indeed work but there is a simpler way..